[WYD] A Case For Lower VAT Rate on eCan Tanks (Day 1777)

Day 1,777, 08:54 Published in Canada Canada by Addy Lawrence


eCan is having a financial problem. No, nobody has stolen anything. The problem is that there isn't much worth stealing in the government coffers. I've got a suggestion to increase the tax revenues.

The purpose of this article is to alert the eCan government that they are missing out on approximately $450 each day in VAT taxes because I’m buying my Rocket Packs in eUS where the tanks are cheaper.

There are many more like me and it's an untapped resource.


I have a Q4 Rocket Factory and I regularly buy what I call “Rocket Packs”. A Rocket Pack is 100 each of Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5 and Q6 tanks. Q1 through Q4 tanks are usually sold below the variable cost of production (WRM cost) and really aren't worth making so buying is the standard operating procedure. As for Q5's and Q6's, they are usually sold at above the variable costs of production so you are better off building them if you can. I try to build my own Q5s and Q6s but I can’t produce them fast enough to supply my use of Q4 Rockets. This is a good thing if you are a merchant of these guns.


I'll use this morning's prices for reference but the conclusions are consistent over time.

A Rocket Pack in eCan runs $3,367 whereas it’s only $3,125 in eUS. I’m saving $242 each day by buying my Rocket Pack in eUS. Here is the kicker, there is $489.22 of taxes (17% VAT plus 1% import, if foreign) in the eCan Rocket Pack and only $30.94 of taxes (1% VAT plus 5% import, if foreign) in the eUS Rocket Pack.

Think about it. As an eCdn I am saving $242 by cross border shopping but the government is missing out on $489. The government can improve it's situation here. If the government reduced their taxes by $243 ($242 + $1) then I would change my buy decision and shop locally. This would earn the government $246 in taxes. In fact, I would be willing to pay even more, up to $60 more, because I would avoid the cost of a move.

VAT in eCan is 17% right now. A $243 decrease on total tax of $489 represents a 50% cut in taxes. Lowering VAT from 17% to 8%, even 9%, would change my behaviour and generate additional revenue for eCan.


Getting gold buyers like me to change their buying patterns will help with putting tax revenues in the government coffers. At $250 a day in VAT for 30 days from me alone, three quarters of an MPP is paid for. Think about it.

The bot is still active and it doesn’t buy at prices above the threshold. eCan’s poor production bonuses and high rates of VAT price tanks beyond the threshold. The low volume of activity on both the bot market and the free market translates into weak revenues.


I can hear the trolls now, "Weren't you the advocate for VAT-centric taxation?" Yes, I was and I still am. VAT is the primary source of revenue. The bot and the behaviours of tank buyers have changed though, and the value of the VAT is more relevant than it was in the past. It is too easy to "comparative shop" in eRep and people don't pay premiums for nothing, even the bot.

Lower the VAT to get to a competitive price.

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