[WTP]~ Of Crossbows and Challenges.

Day 2,048, 19:14 Published in USA USA by Hale26

Now that exams are safely over, I have plenty of updates to give from WTP Leadership. In this not-so-short newsletter we'll be talking about Congress Elections, Presidential Nominations, Forum Points Updates as well as a brief summary from WTP Leadership.

Hope you enjoy o/

WTP has a very....different, way of selecting our Congressmen. Being populist, we don't support the whole "Let the PP choose" thing. In our point of view, that shows distrust of your party. By following that method, you have admitted that your party isn't informed enough to make a big decision. From our way of thinking, you've basically admitted that your congressmen shouldn't have to work for their position.

Not accepting any of that, WTP proudly lets the party choose who it wants to run. After intense campaigning, various shouts, at least 5 articles and various indepth applications, WTP made its choice.

Our running list this time around was...

We'd like to congratulate all candidates for trying their luck this time around. From this fine bunch of candidates, Oblige, The Mike, Gervaz, Irule, whydoibother and Rice Racer are our representatives in the 67th congress. Unfortunately, due to the war, only 40 congress spots were available. Hence, we only got 6 seats this month down from our preferred 8.

I encourage anyone interested in running for Congress to sign up next time around. Signups can be found in the party feed [Or VIA MM] around the 20th of every month.
It might just be the exam-free fever I have at the moment, but, I'm expecting excellent things from this group. Good choices, WTP.

On the topic of Governmental-things, WTP's POTUS Nominations have opened! To nominate your choice for POTUS, please visit this thread ~ http://eusaforums.com/forum/index.php/topic,26920.0.html
(P.S~ Just saying, #Siddy4PotusHeIsNotAnEnemySpaniardIPromise is trending on twitter right now and sounds pretty sick. Just saying)

This month we'll be using the new-and-improved Unity Elections System. To see the last-updated version, please check out Talos' article. Personally, I'm happy to see that Unity has went Populist. While this system is not perfect, and not exactly what I wanted (National Polling, anyone?), it's the best we have at the moment. A public announcement on the topic will be made by Talos' asap, once he gets out of Florida or wherever he is atm.

This picture really has nothing to do with posting things online, but I wanted to include it just cause. So, here it is.

Coming back after a looonnng while of no-updates, FPS is alive and better than ever. FPS is what WTP uses to sum up our activity. Your score in that thread is based off of how much you post, comment, reply, start topic...etc. Basically, anything you post that will be around 3 hours later. [Sorry IRC]

Know what's even better than updated FPS scores? Updated FPS scores, with prizes !

I've started a small prize program for FPS. A lotto, you could say. See, everyone in the Top 50 would be assigned "tickets" for their participation. Every 10 points you earned would equal you one ticket. From a random draw, we would see who our lucky ticket holder would be. This lucky person would earn the fabulous, extremely rare...

Golden CrossBow
"What does this mean?", you dear readers may ask.
Three things. Number 1, your name is put on a hall-of-fame post for all generations to marvel at. Best part is, that hall-of-fame post is going to be stickied!
Yes, I really am pulling out all the stops here.
Number 2, you get 1 gold. Number 3, you get 1 "Golden-Arrow....of Justice". With this Golden arrow you can send 1 gold to another party member you feel deserves it. The gold will be paid for personally, for now.

Also, you can earn 10 free tickets every Monday by filling out this form.
First draw will be held on Sunday with the new update. Good luck, WTPers o/

eAmerican Soldiers Marching off to Combat. Now with 70% more CoT Strike Chan.

Onto our next topic, we're going to be discussing war....sort of.

As you may or may not know, our alliance currently has strike channels set up. In these IRC channels (Internet Chat Relay), you stay (lurk) in the chan. At a certain moment though, your name will be highlighted (Pinged) and the Chan's Operators will ask you to fight in a certain place. This is a great way to move damage, and how a strike chan is supposed to work.

Sadly, this is not how CoT's strike channels work. CoT's strike chans, one for each Division, are very empty and not used for strikes. We plan to change this.

Under the blessing of Litoli, I've set up a fun contest that both WTPer's and random eAmericans can take part in. To break this down into a very simple format..

1. First, fill out this form. It will ask whom you support. See, this contest can be played as a team contest. When you support a person, all the points you earn go towards their score. This helps them win the end prize. Since the end prize is publicity and a little-something else, it may be worth it to support one of your hero's/friends.

2. Go on IRC and register your nickname. Then, join the appropriate strike chan...

3. Log in to the strike chan daily, or, as often as possible. Every day you're on the chan, you get 1 point. Additionally, if you're on at a random time when I'm on [Probably 6pm] you'll get an extra .5 points.

4. At the end of 2 weeks, we tally the scores and announce the winner.

5. Winner will be interviewed, and possibly given a sprite that represents their "true self" or something. You know, personality test stuff :3

Sounds pretty cool, right? I mean, you can get your favorite person interviewed and drawn, just by helping CoT out. Win Win, amirite ?

To signup, just use this form. Good luck participants o/

Finally, to end off this overly-long newsletter, I have a new update from Leadership. As promised at the start of this month, Recruitment and Media teams have been assembled. Currently we're just in our opening phases, where we pick and choose who will stay on and who will not stay on. Hence, I really shouldn't say much for now.
But within a week's time, we will be seeing results from the teams.

That's about it for this edition, WTP. While I have quite a few things going on atm, there's only so many I can write about in one day xD. However, this is the gist of our core results. You can expect to hear back from me with another article in around 3 days time detailing more of what's going on.

Till then, continue to INSURGIO, WTP ~
