[WTP]~ New Beginnings and Sweet Victory

Day 2,069, 19:23 Published in USA USA by Hale26

In my last article, I painted WTP a picture. A picture with the darkest of backgrounds. It had backgrounds filled with should'ves and would'ves. Backgrounds filled with failure, after failure, after failure were there as well. In short, the background to this picture did not give hope. The background, however, is something I've learned to respect.

See, a background is supposed to compliment the overall picture in some way. At the very least, that's what my art teacher told me. When I was sitting there in class, I never could understand that well. Be this because I hated the broad feel of the background, or be it because the girl beside me was just so good at art, I just couldn't get that. And now?

Happy to say, I've finally got it.

(Politics wise, of course. No worries, I'm still artistically impaired)

The background of the picture I gave you compliments my overall message. Leaders can only work in the face of adversity; That is a fact. For another fact, if a party is not progressing, it's failing. A background of adversity compliments the message of Clear, Concise Structuring that I offered to WTP this month.

In my last article I accepted my faults, my mistakes, and even my successes. WTP had faith that the small beacon of light I gave would be the best path for this party. WTP knew that the message I preached, and the results I usually give, told a much different story from the state we were in. I gave WTP an offer, and the Majority of voter's have decided to take me up on it.

Long winded intros aside, I thank all those who supported me in this election. I'd also like to thank my staff, first and foremost, for having to put up with me last month xD. Thanks aside though, I'm honored that WTP has put its support behind me for my final act as PP.

This month is one of great opportunity for us WTP, make no mistake. Already I can feel that my final act will be most entertaining. Or at least, it should be. See, I'm a performer or repetition and tradition. I follow the basic Act 1, Act 2, Act 3 rule.

So what do I, as your host, recommend you to do for this final performance? Sit back, find a nice seat, and prepare for a


How I feel when I look at the Party. Yes, I grow a few feet shorter when I'm happy. Which is odd....if ya know what I mean ^_~.

But alas, this is not all I will be giving to WTP today. Afterall, I am 5 days into the term, amn't I? I'll be addressing FTW, Congress Signups, a Massive Congress Victory and a few New Additions to WTP Leadership in this article. Also, some links to some National Campaigns we have will be posted. In upcoming days, WTP will be very politically active. I encourage you to post your views in those discussion areas, and weigh in when the vote comes around.

First topic we'll be addressing is the infamous FTW. FeedTheWorld, WTP's Premier Food-and-Tank supply program, has always had supplying issues. Be it that we completely overworked our fabulous QMs, or simply didn't react to problems fast enough, issues were always there. Good news?

We're on track to fix them.

Starting Monday, Henry French will be again taking the helm of FTW. With his clear, concise supply movements, FTW is destined for nothing short of greatness. But no, Henry will not be alone in his perilous trek through row upon row of supply requests. His helper will be playing a very important part as well.

That is not all of the good-ish news. WTP will be opening a debate on FTW and its national impact on our forums in a bit. See, I've noticed that many parties use food and tank programs for publicity, fame, to get people to join...etc.

Which is fine. We do that too, make no mistake. But...why can't we make our shameless promotion mean something to the nation? That certainly can't be too much to ask for, can it?

WTP's debate on FTW plans will be starting today on the forums and ingame. The WTP-headed DoI has done awesome at reforming eAmerica's national giveaway programs. It seems fitting that we too be the leaders in reforming eAmerica's Party Giveaway Programs.

So do I, cheaply made pic. So do I

Next Update~ Retention and Recruitment have been Streamlined \o/

What does this actually mean, you ask? Well, it means that I now have even more staff and directors. Our new, awesome director du recruitment is...


Helping him is a set of WTP's awesome new players; eCenk and Gaius Guy.
Potato will, in coming days, set up a very intricate recruitment station to help the people of eAmerica be informed of our platform. Seeing how we're one of them T5 parties, recruitment is key and sometimes difficult. Many have a bad feeling about the Top 5, feeling that smaller movements are the way to go.

Job #1 for Potato~ To prove those people wrong.

Nothing to fear, the root vegetable is here \o/.

DMV, samdoo and Aunt Buck

These three fine individuals will be helping out our Retention Department. Retention's basic mission is to make your experience in WTP as fun as possible. If you need something fun to do, these guys will find it. I mean, what's a game without fun times, right?

They'll will be working alongside our FPS Director, Noablule Elubaon. FPS provides structure to our Activity; The rest of the team provides means to make that raw Activity.

I expect good things from Retention.

Alastor DoUrden and Zxdek

These two awesome people will be helping Tanishq run the Census. Tanishq has worked long and hard to allow you, the voter, to vote normally. Honestly, as someone who did this work for a long time, Census can test your patience. Major Very, Very happy to see that ADU and Zxdek are going to be helping her.

Keep on rockin Team 😁

No need to keep those stickers anymore \o/

Now....to the piece de resistance of this article; The Congress Victory.

Let me turn back a few pages. As usual, Congress was having its budget talks. These talks are known for being boring, uneventful, and largely non-political. Well...that changed this month.

Early into the talks, after confirming that the DoI did not need funding, we were informed that revenues had plumetted. As you all know, Erep's economy is very nonexistant. This was expected to happen at some point. With all the Serbians leaving the eUS too, revenues were bound to go down.

The first place cuts were looked for, as usual, was USAF. Going to even more backstory, every month Congress and the SoD preach frugalness in regards to USAF. Every month we turn to them and talk about their inefficiences

As someone who watched (even slightly took part in) one of the USAF splits, that attitude always annoyed me. See, USAF has a culture problem. That's undoubtable. And, even then, that applies only to some branches. I hear branches like UM and SF are epic, while branches like AF....eh, need work.

Yet, for some reason, everyone thinks they can fix the culture problem by continuing the same failed policies of the past. Cut, Complain, and stand on the sidelines. This is what a large group of Congressmen said of the USAF. And, this is something we strongly disagree with.

For those of you who don't know, USAF is on an upswing. Syn saved FT, AF is getting its shit together, SF is doing awesome....sooo many things are looking up. Yes, revenues are down. And yes, there are still problems.

But now is an awful time for a cut to USAF.

See, USAF is getting new talent. AF especially, with some awesome people from TC joining up. I myself have even joined up to help. So, why are we going to stress that talent out with budget cuts? Why are we going to put strain on a system that is starting to improve?

Budget cuts will come to USAF eventually. But this month, WTP formed a coalition with the AMP and the USWP to pass a continuation of the budget. Make no mistake, this was a team effort. And, a team victory.

To pass a budget, you need 10 approvals then the majority of the vote. The Fed proposal had 9 approvals. Ours? Zero.

Yet, within 5 hours, we had taken away 1 approval from the Fed budget, and given our's 10. That's 2 votes every hour. Needless to say, this was a whipping miracle.

Then, despite Federalist efforts to kill our budget by quorum, WTP, USWP and AMP banded together to make sure that our intelligent budget passed. I'm happy to say that 100% WTP voting was given to both these actions. Our group has shown to be one of the most loyal, active and debative bunches in Congress. If not the most. I'm proud of what all of you have done this month, WTP Congressmen.

To our friends in USWP and AMP....thank you. Without you, this wouldn't have been possible. Together, as a Party, as a Nation, and as People, we passed a budget that will change how USAF runs. Granted, next month there will be cuts.

But, those cuts will come responsibly. Not at a time such as this.

^VC Debate.

Also, read this~ http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-wtp-congress-campaigning-2294051/1/20

That should be about all for this PP address. As you all saw in the MM, there is still much to be done media wise. 4 articles in 5 days guys ;_;.

But, it's nothing we can't handle. Keep on INSURGIO-ing, WTP~

(How do I always finish these at night?)
P.S~ http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/kitty-039-s-kitty-contest--2293038/1/20
Mazz sends her love from Colder Shores~
To Shout~

Congress, Cabinet and a Way Forward.