[WTP]~ Hale4Congress

Day 2,100, 16:43 Published in USA USA by Hale26

Originally, this was to be titled "Hale4Congressman". Now, while I am applying for the position of Congressman, I realized that title sounds awkward as f**k. So, instead, we have Hale4Congress. Or at least, that is what I hope we'll be having by election's end.

Witty intros aside, this month I hope to be serving the party in the position of Congressman. I've served this party since its inception nearly 1 year ago through various jobs. My last position in WTP was the role of Party President. I gladly held this position for 3 consecutive months , giving the party a new boost of activity, organization and standing.

Past experience be damned, this term I will be running on a rather unique platform, if I do say so myself.

If elected, I will..

Continue to uphold, and act upon, my anti-Voter's Club stance
Support the political beliefs entailed in this here Wikipedia Article, which are vaguely related to Erep in the sense that it is unprofitable for newbs to make factories. I will work to ensure that my Agrarianist views are known to both today and tomorrow's newbs
Continue to foster communication with the AMP and USWP Caucus through my late night Congress scheming with Evry and Wildowl
Continue to aid in the organization of our Congress Delegation through running for Party Whip.
Hold firm the Populist tennent of Communication, giving regular Congress Updates via the position of WTP Party Whip.
Fix the god-awful Work Tax
Support the Reformation of USAF as a more agile, tactile fighting force through encouraging more USAF-Devoted Media and Recruitment from the respective branches of USAF
Donate all gold earned from my Congress run to FTW
Support ATO Operations to secure Congress for the NLR

During my last 2 terms as PP I was very much involved in Congress. I led the way on whipping for Budgets, various laws that were of the upmost benefit to the nation and special measures required by the Exec. What I can bring to Congress, based on past experience and future plans, is proper organization and outreach for our party's cacaus.

Our nation is in need of an active, strong willed Congress to assist the Exec in its ventures. No rogue NEs, No rogue MPPs, no IES disturbances and no Tax screw ups.

The only way to meet the ends of that goal is Strong Leadership on a party-to-party level from Congressmen. Strong Leadership, that I can provide.

As always, I've presented my package (innuendo) and my beliefs. Now, The Choice rests in your faithful hands.