[WTP]~ A look at your Congress Hopefuls

Day 2,038, 14:54 Published in USA USA by Hale26

[Wish I had the time to find a good quote. Exams ;_;. Last one is tomorrow , so respite is on its way. But even if this did go out tomorrow after exams, I still  wouldn't look for a quote. See, looking for a quote takes time, emotion, thoughfulness, passion....etc. I'm too lazy busy for that.]

~Hale26, on his inability to find quotes.

Bonjour, WTP.

Here is our list of congressional candidates this month. Based on how much you like each candidate, you will be voting them on a preferential ballot. From there they will be organized accordingly on the congress rooster, minus spots we may give to Sixth Parties.

Beside each candidate's name is a score from their test, unless they were in the last cacaus. 

Anyways, onto the article ~
(Btw- I'm writing this very late at night. Don't judge me and my errors/bad wording)
(This isn't being written late for once \o/. Progress rocks. But, this is still a recopy of the last article minus side comments. So there will still be errors :3)

Gervaz~ 100%

Why do you want to be reelected ?
I think we did a good job.

From "Congress enquiry" (The Mike - Gervaz):
"[...] so..in general, personally I felt good, the older CM who realized that although being active and always reading threads I participate so little and sometimes encourage me to participate without fear of making mistakes because that's how I can increase my experience.
Obviously I tried to follow the advice of those with more experience than me and I'm still doing, in fact I noticed that you never stop learning new things. [...] So, in general I can say that the congress open my eyes on the world, I'm also U.S. ambassador to Italy as u can see (you can? lol) but this is a different thing: while the role of ambassador focuses on the specific country, in my case Italy, the role of the congress member is more complete.
I dont know how to explain so I'll say it in a few words: the congress made me realize that there is a very large community, you have to make actions to improve the situation of each and according to me, especially to help young people: if first I considered only my party, my nation with a "inside wiew" now I understand that everything is much "bigger" and the global community is the true heart of this game.
I hope I made it clear. [...] This is an hard question i will reply simply:
First of all we need to adjust the internal affairs, so the problem AFA and everything that is linked, I am not saying that we must eliminate the problem forever, I realize that it is impossible, but we must find a strategy to "eliminate" from the top5 the Party/Politicians TO but it must be a long-term strategy that can be used on other occasions also in the future.
Once this is done, we can proceed peacefully, in foreign policy.
For me this is the correct procedure that we must follow, but there could be many more directions all right. [...]"

Are you able or willing to use IRC ?
Yes, and I use IRC frequently.

Why should you be reelected ?
"From ""Congress enquiry"" (The Mike - Gervaz):
""I'm joining forums every day, i'm very active: I'm reading the posts every day and when I have something to say i say it. As you can see this is my first time in Congress and so I'm not writing a lot my ideas, I'm instead trying to understand very well how to behave in Congress but I'm also trying to write as much as possible in addition to limit myself to read the discussions."""

What positions or roles have you held in WTP? Do you hold any positions/roles at the moment?
I was in the shout team.

What eUS past experience do you have in terms of positions, roles, experience..etc ?
See my wikipage pls: http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/Gervaz

Nick E. Stine~ 109%

Are you willing to use IRC ?
Yes, I'm able and willing to use IRC.

Have you reqed for access to WTP Private ?

Why do you want to be a congressman?
I want to help out and make a change in the way our Foreign Affairs are held as well as help rid our country of the Serbs of AFA.

What sets you apart as a congressman?
What experiences in the other eCountries have opened my eyes to the problems that this country is facing as well as how other countries perceive us. Unlike many Congress(wo)men who just focus mainly on the economy I want to strongly focus on eUSA's foreign affairs.

What positions/roles have you held in WTP ?
Not and have not worked for the party.

What eUS Past Experience do you have ?
1x Congressman
Current Ambassador to eUK
ex-Ambassador to eColumbia

Are you interested in pursuing a congress Leadership Position ?
No, not interested

Gonzobad ~ 81%

Are you willing to use IRC ?
Yes, and I use IRC frequently

Have you reqed for access to WTP Private ?

Why do you want to be a congressman?
I am an old erepublik user(since 200😎, but I never had the chance to run for Congress. After a lot of changes in the game, I belive that this is the right time for me to run for a chair. I am active and I read the news. A lot. I know what is going on this this country, and I support the eUS as best as I can. I don't mind if I don't get elected. I will try again. And I know that I will find new friends in WTP, just like I found them in the Praetorian Guard.

What sets you apart as a congressman?
Activity is my main quality. Both in game and on IRC. And the fact that I know what is going on in this eWorld, not just the US. Plus the fact that I know Hungarian and Romanian. I read their news too.
Another thing would be that firstly, I would consult with the party leaders before making a decision.

What positions/roles have you held in WTP ?
Position held in WTP: proud member
Position at the moment: proud member

What eUS Past Experience do you have ?
Not much experience in politics yet

Are you interested in pursuing a congress Leadership Position ?
No, not interested

Irule ~ 109%

Are you willing to use IRC ?
Yes, and I use IRC frequently

Have you reqed for access to WTP Private ?

Why do you want to be a congressman?
I believe our members of congress have been disappointingly inactive and I'm always around on IRC, involved, looking to volunteer and get involved. I think I'll be a good an active member of congress getting involved in debates, votes, discussions, etc.

What sets you apart as a congressman?
Activity in the main part. Last time I saw one of our congress members on IRC who wasn't party leadership was.... well, not recently 😛 I happen to be on 9 hours a day at the least.

What positions/roles have you held in WTP ?
No real job but I recruit and have volunteered to help Hale.

What eUS Past Experience do you have ?
I currently am an Interior Staffer under Othere in the welcoming committee and am the ambassador to Pakistan, former WHPR writer as well many months ago. I ran the pony express when we still had that.

Are you interested in pursuing a congress Leadership Position ?
No, not interested

Alastor DoUrden ~ 81%

Are you willing to use IRC ?
Yes, and I use IRC frequently

Have you reqed for access to WTP Private ?

Why do you want to be a congressman?
I want to be one because I want to learn more about the leadership in congress and how it works.

What sets you apart as a congressman?
I am in my opinion a more logical and intelligent person.

What positions/roles have you held in WTP ?
I am waiting to get my job placement after passing on one.

What eUS Past Experience do you have ?
I work with the DoI now. I help with the Welcome Comittee and keep the Archives

Are you interested in pursuing a congress Leadership Position ?
No, not interested

Nononever ~ 91%

Are you willing to use IRC ?
Yes, and I use IRC frequently

Have you reqed for access to WTP Private ?

Why do you want to be a congressman?
I'm german immigrant.
I'm someone you can trust.,. i gues the well known german players and politicians can confirm.
I'm active, im able and willing to help if you need me.,.

What sets you apart as a congressman?
im diplomatic, calm, adult😁

What positions/roles have you held in WTP ?

What eUS Past Experience do you have ?
no political activity..
just active around to help preventing pto

to the last question: im not experienced enough to go in leading position.. but maybe interested in future.

Are you interested in pursuing a congress Leadership Position ?
No, not interested

  Chase Mason Macario ~ 100%

Are you willing to use IRC ?
Yes, and I use IRC frequently
Have you reqed for access to WTP Private ?
Why do you want to be a congressman?
Its better ti start here than in rl. But I do like the fact that I get to take care of my country and get to know more personal things about the country. Get to know more about ATO and PTO. And get to know law better every time.
What sets you apart as a congressman?
My life experiences in law. In rl I have Judges, Lawyers, and Police officers. Everyone that knows laws well. that show me law books, and make me read about our country's history I know enough to be a congressman. 

What positions/roles have you held in WTP ?
The thing Hale26 is planning. the Fun Recruitment Team and Media group.
What eUS Past Experience do you have ?
Shout hawk, eAus Ambassador
Are you interested in pursuing a congress Leadership Position ?
No, not interested

  Rynri ~ 64%

Are you willing to use IRC ?
Yes, and I use IRC frequently
Have you reqed for access to WTP Private ?
Why do you want to be a congressman?
To be more involved in the game,
To help eUSA as it helped me since I've become one of its citizens,
And to connect with people, learn from them and share what little knowledge and ideas I have.
What sets you apart as a congressman?
I'm a fast learner.
I believe I can bring a new perspective.
I'll have a lot of free time :>
I'm honest, but not naive.

What positions/roles have you held in WTP ?
Writing articles for the party.

What eUS Past Experience do you have ?
Nothing really.
Are you interested in pursuing a congress Leadership Position ?
No, not interested

  Whydoibother ~ 109%

Are you willing to use IRC ?
Yes, and I use IRC frequently
Have you reqed for access to WTP Private ?
Why do you want to be a congressman?
I was in congress twice before and don't think I can mess up any worse than Agay's serb friends
What sets you apart as a congressman?
I don't care what people think of me. I am not going to agree with something just because I am told I should.

What positions/roles have you held in WTP ?

What eUS Past Experience do you have ?
former SFP PP and 2 time congressman.
Are you interested in pursuing a congress Leadership Position ?
No, not interested

Thermaikos ~82%

Are you willing to use IRC ?
Yes, I'm able and willing to use IRC.

Have you reqed for access to WTP Private ?

Why do you want to be a congressman?
I miss it

What sets you apart as a congressman?
democracy, loyalty

What positions/roles have you held in WTP ?

What eUS Past Experience do you have ?
2 terms Congressman
Member of The Special Forces

Are you interested in pursuing a congress Leadership Position ?
No, not interested

Rice Racer~ 81%

Are you willing to use IRC ?

Have you reqed for access to WTP Private ?

Why do you want to be reelected?
Had fun being in congress and want to continue participating in how the country is ran.

Why should you be reelected ?
I was active in the ATO operation by approving citizenship's that defeated the AFA

What positions/roles have you held in WTP ?

What eUS Past Experience do you have ?
Top Gun Captain for over a year.

Are you interested in pursuing a congress Leadership Position ?
No, not interested

The Mike

Are you willing to use IRC ?

Have you reqed for access to WTP Private ?

Why do you want to be reelected?
I've got so many ideas to put forward. I am pretty sure 99% of the congressmen missed me last month.

Why should you be reelected ?
Not everybody can deal with the spam in the mass PM of the congress. Therefore, I, defender of the weak, come forward and present myself as a volunteer.

P.S. I have an idea what's going on and what to do. I can also help newer congressmen from WTP to get used to the eUS congress.

What positions/roles have you held in WTP ?
Head of Mentoring Department. Got already a couple of mentees \ o /

What eUS Past Experience do you have ?
"- XO at Ultramarines (USAF branch);
- Head of Mentoring dep at WTP;
- former congressman (WTP)."

Are you interested in pursuing a congress Leadership Position ?
No, not interested

Are you willing to use IRC ?
Yes, and I use it frequently

Have you reqed for access to WTP Private ?

Why do you want to be a congressman?
~whale noises~

What sets you apart as a congressman?
~whale noises~

What positions/roles have you held in WTP ?
PP, VPx5 or 6?

What eUS Past Experience do you have ?
4x CP
4x Secretary of State
1x Secretary of Defense
11x Congressman
Game Moderator
Forum Moderator
Director of the Mentorship Program
CO of the SFs

Are you interested in pursuing a congress Leadership Position ?

And there are our lucky contestants for this month. To cast you ballot (preferential, ofc) for one of the candidates, please do so here ~

VOTING LINK~ http://www.ereptools.tk/elections/
(Yes, all caps is necessary for you skimmers out there)

That's about all for now. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to go get some sleep. Continue to Insurgio, WTPers ~

Bonne Nuit

P.S~ For your viewer enjoyment...

I'm in Exam Mode. Don't judge me.