[WRP] - A view from Parliament - Issue 34

Day 2,371, 11:13 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George


I've held off publishing the latest 'A view from Parliament' as I felt it'd have be lost in the media frenzy surrounding the Party President elections. However this has resulted in a rather large amount of law proposals for you, my constituents to review my voting.

As this is fairly long article I attempted to be brief in regards to each law proposal. Hopefully I will still give you, my constituents an insight into how I've spent my time representing you in Congress so far.

You may also contact via personal message to discuss any Congressional issues or concerns you may have as it's your right and my duty to listen.

So without further ado...

Law Proposals and Votes

President of Croatia proposed a mutual protection pact with United Kingdom

I voted Yes. A fellow Sirius alliance member who we are in a pact with for mutual protection, mutual advantage and mutual gain.

The vote ended;
21 YES votes to 13 NO votes in the UK
32 YES vote to 6 NO votes in Croatia

Natural Enemy
France has been proposed as Natural Enemy.

I voted Yes. To regain our capture regions.

The vote ended;
32 YES votes to 0 NO votes

President of Venezuela proposed a mutual protection pact with United Kingdom

I voted Yes. A valued ally to have.

The vote ended;
23 YES votes to 1 NO votes in the UK
9 YES vote to 0 NO votes in Venezuela

Country Donation
Do you agree to transfer 300000 GBP from the country accounts to Bank of England?

I voted Yes. To support the work of the MoF.

The vote ended;
29 YES votes to 4 NO votes

Country Donation
Do you agree to transfer 3000 Gold from the country accounts to Bank of England?

I voted Yes. Once again to support the work of the MoF.

The vote ended;
31 YES votes to 4 NO votes

New Citizen Message

For full details click here. I voted No, as it the law proposal was in error and made no change what was already in place.

The votes ended;
9 YES votes to 17 NO votes

Natural Enemy
Poland has been proposed as Natural Enemy.

I voted No. Poland are long-standing and tremendously important ally who we as a nation have no reason to NE.

The votes ended;
6 YES votes to 23 NO votes

New Citizen Message

For full details click here. I voted No, as I felt the CP's welcome message needs to be shorter maybe restricted to three key messages. There was also minor html error.

The votes ended;
17 YES votes to 17 NO votes

President of United Kingdom proposed a mutual protection pact with Turkey

I voted Yes. A fellow Sirius alliance member who we are in a pact with for mutual protection, mutual advantage and mutual gain.

The vote ended;
16 YES votes to 11 NO votes in the UK
30 YES vote to 2 NO votes in Turkey

President of Indonesia proposed a mutual protection pact with United Kingdom

I voted Yes. A fine nation to be an ally of.

The vote ended;
23 YES votes to 10 NO votes in the UK
25 YES vote to 2 NO votes in Indonesia.

Country Donation
Do you agree to transfer 123494 GBP from the country accounts to The Vagabonds ?

I voted No. While I'm in favour of donations/grants to MU's Organisations to provide governmental support for their related MU's development, the amount suggested proposed was incorrect as the funds could be distributed more fairly and widely to all British MUs.

The vote ended;
15 YES votes to 16 NO votes

Natural Enemy
USA has been proposed as Natural Enemy.

I voted No. USA are stalwart and great ally who we as a nation have no reason to NE.

The votes ended;
5 YES votes to 20 NO votes

President Impeachment
Do you want the current president of United Kingdom to end this office?
Ayame Crocodile

I voted No. I'd only vote to impeach our democratically elected country president on grounds of gross incompetence, corruption, inactivity or strong will of the people. Ayame remains a CP and a citizen who I admire, respect and strongly support.

While I'm not a fan of 'voting' in other parties PP elections, I felt the best policy was for every individual citizen to decide themselves the best course of action, I felt this is what we saw during the 15th.

The votes ended;
9 YES votes to 21 NO votes

Natural Enemy
Norway has been proposed as Natural Enemy.

I voted Yes. Our allies the Netherlands require our support and I feel the citizenship of the UK benefit when the UK are in direct conflict.

The votes ended;
20 YES votes to 6 NO votes

President of Poland proposed a mutual protection pact with United Kingdom

I voted Yes. A fellow Sirius alliance member who we are in a pact with for mutual protection, mutual advantage and mutual gain.

The vote ended;
22 YES votes to 9 NO votes in the UK
30 YES vote to 1 NO votes in Poland

President of Bulgaria proposed a mutual protection pact with United Kingdom

I voted Yes. A strong ally to have.

As of Day 2,371 11:07 The vote stands;
18 YES votes to 8 NO votes in the UK
29 YES vote to 1 NO votes in Bulgaria

Citizenship Applications Approved

Vladislav Baloun
I approved Vladislav's application as he would like to stay for a year or longer. He was also willing to join a British MU and while he didn't know much about the UK PTO situation his own experience with hostile Serbian citizens planning a PTO meant that he wouldn't support it anywhere including his new home in the UK. Based on this I felt I could place my faith in him being a fantastic addition to our community.

I'd ask all members of the UK to welcome him as you would any new citizen.

Rafay Ahmed
I approved Rafay's application as he wanted to be part of the UK community permanent basis. He wanted to join a British MU, join a political party .etc. I also checked his awareness of the political situation currently in the UK and ask him not to work with the group of hostile Serbian citizens who have stated their desire to PTO the UK. Based on this I felt I could place my faith in him being a fantastic addition to our community.

Since his arrival I provided Rafay impartial advice on his request on which MU and Political Party to join...although I appreciate Rafay joining the WRP and the Irregulars looks a little suspect. I assure you he made that decision without pressure or coercing from me. His votes will remain his own to cast as he desires.

I'd ask all members of the UK to welcome him as you would any new citizen.

Closing thoughts

Once again I've written a great deal however hopefully I've given you an insight into how I've spent my time representing you in Congress so far. Once again I encourage comment however please remember one of my Congressional aims is to encourage respect in public dialogue to set a positive example that elevates the quality of politics in our country. This should enable a more intelligent dialogue on public issues to attract all citizens to take part. So I ask you to bear this in mind with your own contributions.

Who are the Workers' Rights Party?

The Workers’ Rights Party is a political party which strives to see the eUK is full of dedicated, active and well-informed citizens supported by their government. We are dedicated to ensuring equality and enhancing society for all eUK citizens. We trust the people tempered by prudence, this separates us from a lot of the other parties of the eUK who dis-trust the people tempered by fear. At the heart of our party is fairness, free-thinking and creativity.

How can you help?

Join the Workers’ Rights Party – Together we can work towards a better, stronger and brighter eUK

Who are the Free British Irregulars?

The Free British Irregulars, fights for freedom, fairness and justice, we fight for the United Kingdom and her allies. Although the proud fighting arm of the Workers' Rights Party we will accept any man or woman who uphold our ideals.

We are a open, creative and progressive military unit, with every solider free to follow their own path and find their destiny in aid of the eUK.

Consider Enlisting today!

Thanks for reading

Huey George
Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Party President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Commander of the Free British Irregulars Military Unit
Member of Congress(Parliament)
Former Speaker of the House
Former Minister of Home Affairs (Minster of Education)
Former Minster of Foreign Affairs