[Werewolf} Night Three

Day 2,262, 18:19 Published in Australia Argentina by Pat McCrutch

And so the villagers gather around to kill off another one of their own. After hours of yelling, shouting and protesting, it was decided that the quietest, Nicky6Fingers, was obviously a wolf, otherwise he would have been barbarically screaming out someone elses name.

And so they drag him from the town towards the swamplands, infested with terrible creatures. This is when the mob is attacked by the giant butterfly they had completely forgotten about. They flee, leaving Nicky6Fingers to be slowly and terribly painfully pollinated to death. And while the villagers hear his final screams while cowering in their comfortable houses, his screams never become that of a dying animal.

Nicky6Fingers, the villager was lynched
Roles PM me. Not you Hugh, the mayor only interrogates on the first night, so GTFO........please 🙂