[Werewolf] Day Two

Day 2,260, 02:50 Published in Australia Argentina by Pat McCrutch

The villagers wake up early in the morning and begin to look for the dead bodies they will inevitably find.

Callum, tendering his garden finds Rhysx2, dead, Callum kicks him some more anyway since he had been picking flowers to make daisy chains for everyone, in an effort for village-wide peace. It obviously hadn't influenced Callum well.

Callum arrives at the town centre to report to the other villagers, when he notices that they are all gathered around Binda's house. After wading through the sea of cats in her house, the find Binda sitting at her table with a crystal ball sitting on top. Unfortunately, being the seer, Binda's death was long overdue, and it appears she died last night in s scene of terrible violence, despite her army of cats to protect her.

Pansy picker Rhysx2 is dead
Binda the seer is dead
Lynch votes please

Look on the bright side guys, at least you didn't lynch the seer this time...

Player List
T.B Hat
Dr Hugh Jardon
Ranger Bob
Claire Louise
lord braddy
Callum Ormand