[Werewolf] Day Four

Day 2,263, 14:34 Published in Australia Argentina by Pat McCrutch

The villagers wake up to find the corpses of srg91 and 010901 lying in the town centre under the statue. The villagers desparately hope for some kind of wolfiness to appear on any of them, and while srg91 has really hairy hands, nothing appears that can ease the villagers fear.

Kerna96 realises what this means and flees south west past Mighty Mt Flatty and into the endless desert. The wolves don't bother to chase after him, the endless desert should take care of him.

Lord Braddy, using his medical knowledge, cleverly disguises himself as a tree. Unfortunately, Hugh the wolf feels the urge to pee on the tree, and when he hears lord braddy's whining about new shoes, tears him apart and eats him.

T.B Hat, pulls out her nun-chucks, and twirls them, ready to fight to the death, until she hits herself in the eye with one and is momentarily stunned. The wolves sieze on the opportunity to kill the last villager and pounce.

It turns out that kerna96 made it through the endless desert and moved to the city, where he bought a dog and lived to the age of 92.

Well, that was a massive wolf win. They really had you all wrapped around their middle fingers didn't they. Particular shout out to Cyber.Casper who pretty much worked out all the roles on the first night and preceded to demolish you all. 🙂 Now before I give out prizes, who's actually going to accept prizes and who doesn't want them?