[UKPP] The Sleeping Giant

Day 1,818, 05:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by BigAnt
[UKPP] The Sleeping Giant

The United Kingdom Progression Party is growing.. FAST!

People are fed up in the eUK, they want change and fresh ideas and now the people are voting with their feet. The UKPP is your beacon of voice your chance for real improvement, at the UKPP we believe that change is needed now before its too late. We are bored of the same people calling the shots and seeing no real change for the better.

The UKPP is the party of the new player. There are no 'behind closed doors' decisions or executive groups and the party practices a 'democracy of the masses' approach with policy formed by party conference and party balloting. In the UKPP it is not your age, strength, cash reserves or who you know that counts - It is your activity that matters.

We are the fastest growing party in the eUK right now and we aim to achieve the number 1 spot shortly.


A taster of what we want:

- We don't want Foreign occupation or rent deals, in which we give up our lands
- A fairly moderated #eUK & Forum
- A Real national MU
- A Fair CS system, not run by one man (TUP)
- Real interaction with new players
- Real Opportunity for new players
- Changes to taxation
- Community Programs...
- ANational Strike Day to bring together all MU's

These are just a handful of things we aim for, a better eUK, a stronger eUK.


UKPP Member