[UKPP] Our Congress Candidates

Day 1,831, 11:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by BigAnt

The 25th always brings a buzz and excitement to the eUK. Congress Elections are upon us. Once again we march en masse to the polling booths to vote for our favourite party, our ideals or simply for a mate.

Make sure your vote count's.

We, here at the UKPP have selected a fine ensemble of active players to represent you, the voting populace.

Meet the UKPP congress team Nov-Dec 2012.

A dedicated and rising star of UKPP, although Alex is a 6 month old player this will be the first time he has ran for congress, finally after much pushing Alex feels he is ready to play a part in the running of eUK.

The morale boosting Meklon. Can oftn be found in the media sction of eRep. With his tongue in cheek sense of humour and willingness to help out Meklon makes the UKPP a much more amusing place to be. A staunch supporter of UKPP's 'Add A Friend' project, Meklon has took it upon himself to launch it nationwide.

Always willing to help out when needed Saiwun has truly earned his place on the list. After a unsuccessful bid for congress in the old style congress elections UKPP has decided to reward Saiwuns loyalty by making sure he gets his seat this time. Do us proud Saiwun.

4)Igor Pankry
Although not a native of the UK in real live our Russian friend, Igor loves everything British, from the Queen and cups of tea to our rubbish weather and British sense of humour. Even though a young player, always willing to help, dedicated UKPPer and RNer, you wont find a prouder player that calls the eUK his home

What can be said about Wayne, always willing to offer his advice and opinion to anybody that will listen. Alongside Garth, Wayne will be helping to organise our congress members and get them active in helping to run the country, opa congress style!

6)Gareth Lidlington
The Royal Navy's admiral, a guy respected and liked by just about all members of the eUK. A military man at heart, Garth is always on hand to help out the new guys and show them the way of the 'Tank'.

7)Physo starmik
A sensible and likable member of UKPP, Physo is always willing to give his two pence. A strong performer in congress before, Physo is a safe pair of hands that can be relied on to make the right call.

😎Mr Knee
Ah, Mr Knee, the guy who hits more nails on the head then a gang of Polish builders. Intelligent, sensible, and loves nothing more then getting his teeth into the issue of the day. Mr Knee will once again shine and provide the eUK with some much needed nail hitting.

9)Kamoris KSC
Kamo... The outspoken nutty tanker. Loves nothing more then giving the enemy a good kicking, and with his strength and hitting power a kicking is what they get. Like a dog loyal to it's bone, Kamo can always be relied on to tell it how it is!

10)Lady Macbeth
Current PP of UKPP, ex RN Admiral, ex cabinet member, Lady Macbeth has the experience and knowledge to perform at the highest levels. A cool head, that's fair yet firm LM will undoubtedly do both the party and the nation proud.

That's our official list of congress candidates. A strong team, that are ready and willing to serve the eUK's citizens to the best of their abilities. We hope for a good showing and urge all those that haven't made there minds up to check UKPP out. Any questions you may have, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me.

"A community dedicated to concentrating on playing the game to the best of our abilities as a nation, In the battle for equality the UKPP continues to fight the against the prevailing trend within the UK government of division, defeatism and denial."

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