[UK-Reform] A thank you with added election analysis and politics

Day 1,833, 06:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Thomas765

Well we can't really say it was an election victory but we can say that our recent growth as a party has had its effects on the way the election went for us.

Last month we were sitting on 44 votes and were able to bring back three congressmen. This month we were able to gain 14 votes and bring back an extra congressman despite this month's congress race being more competitive than usual. This was our most successful election since June!

I'd like to say well done to UKPP for becoming the largest party in congress. I'd also like to say well done to ESO who were able to increase their vote count, although with a little bit of help from PCP.

Finally, I want to say thank you to everyone who voted for the UKRP in yesterday's election! Your support means a lot and we really do appreciate it. 🙂

Election Statistics

There was a massive increase in the number of votes in yesterday's election, with an overall increase of 17.5% from 560 votes to 658. However, despite this increase, The Unity Party and New Era both lost votes from last month's election, with TUP losing around 7% of it's vote base and New Era losing around 5%. The UKRP, ESO and the UKPP on the other hand saw vote percentage gains of well over 20%, with UKPP increasing its number of votes by 60%, ESO by 45% and UKRP by 30%.

As for party attendance in the election, 62% of UKPP turned up to vote, 62% of TUP, 85% of New Era and 71% of the UKRP. Please note that all parties will have received some degree of external voting. ESO is curious this month as a result of PCP support. With that not in mind, 101% of their party attended. ESO's membership combined with PCP's membership gives them a 71% participation.

If we average out the party activity among everyone except ESO, then 70% of the top 5 participated. This would suggest that the number of votes by ESO members will have been around 84, give or take. That's just a theory though.

At 6 o'clock erep time, after the voting count had finished, the only party to lose votes was the UKPP. They lost 2 votes. It did not change the result.

Purple is UKRP, green is ESO, yellow is New Era, red is TUP and blue is UKPP

This was ESO's most successful election in terms of votes since August and it was the UKPP's most successful election ever.

At daychange, there were only two seats that were up for contention pending the results of the multi count. Those two seats went to the UKRP and to TUP.

UKPP - 11 seats
TUP - 10 seats
NE - 8 seats
ESO - 5 seats
UKRP - 4 seats
PCP - 2 seats

Political compass

I only asked this last night to add on to our survey earlier this week but this is the result of some UKRP members on the political compass:

The political compass website isn't terribly accurate, nor is it inaccurate but still. That's our members so far 😁

If you require any support then feel free to contact any of us!

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Thank you for reading!