TROGIR (Croatia)

Day 2,613, 05:28 Published in Belgium United Kingdom by Pargali Ibrahim Pasha

Archaeological studies show that the man on the island of Trogir visited already in the distant prehistoric times.
Trogir (Tragurium) as a settlement during the III. c.. Cr. founded by Greek colonists, traders from Issa (Visa). Roman Oppidumisticao the quality marble. At that time, life is not taking place only in the city but also in the field, in rustic homes. Not far from the city, the hills around the village Bijaći Siculo, in the first half of the first century. Emperor Claudius settled its retired veterans.

Trogir was founded by Greek colonists in the 3rd century BC.
Over the centuries it was occupied by the Romans, Byzantines, Hungarians, Venice, Napoleon.
Greek Tragurion was established by seamen, who came from the island of Vis. As part of the Roman Empire Trogir is its excellent marble. From the antique history of Trogir is preserved several works of art, eg. Relief likomKairosa (IV.- BC) and, represents a woman who knits ( BC).

Since Dalmatia became a region - temat Eastern Roman Empire, Trogir is under the rule of the Byzanthian emperor and his Exarch of Ravenna.
With time around the town new population settled - Croats, who wrote another page in the history of this area. The Hungarian-Croatian king guaranteed the autonomy in 1107, which he enjoyed until the arrival of Venice.

Developed in those centuries the communal autonomy based on the privileges of Coloman and the Statute of the city had already 1322. Of the numerous churches to set aside the crkvusv. Barbara built in the early Romanesque style in

Radovan was a sculptor and architect who lived in Dalmatia in the 13th century. His most famous work is the portal of Radovan in Trogir which was carved in 1240.

Radovan's portal is the main portal of the cathedral of St. Lawrence in Trogir. The most significant medieval portal on istočnomJadranu and in this part of Europe. It was named after its author, master Radovan that it was carved in 1240 and signed with per Raduanum, although not completed until the 14th century. Portal is the most monumental work of Romanesque-Gothic style in Croatia. Includes The Original Sin (Adam and Eve) and Redemption (Nativity), Christological cycle, individual saints iapostole, display months, scenes of hunting and stylish sums up the different traditions of southern Italian to French. Art is at the level of the best European of that time [1].
Portal is gradually drawn into the wall thickness. In the lunette is a representation of the Nativity of Christ (the promise of salvation), instead of the Last Judgment, which is common for major portals Cathedral in the west. The two arches over the lunette scenes from biblical scenes. The highest quality components of the portal is attributed to the master Radovan, and the rest of his workshop. The sculpture of the portal is characteristic example of Gothic realism and humanism, but with the characteristics of the older Romanesque style.
On the pillars of the door were scenes of hunting involved in plant tendrils so it looks as if the scenes take place in a forest. On the jambs of the portal are detailed depictions of characters horoscope and works by months (scenes from everyday life) with a pronounced plasticity. The side are figures of Adam (right) and Eve (left) standing on lions.

Tatars 1242.godine asked citizens of Trogir extradition of King Bela IV., Who was there on the run had taken refuge, shouting their demand in the Croatian language so that they can understand these. Trogir is minted its own money (Bagattino), pure copper with the image of the patron saint of St. Lawrence.
In the 19th and early 20th century. Trogir marks affirmative writings of world known writers and Nobel winners Bernard Shaw, Herman Bahr and Anatol France what makes it internationally verified as an interesting cultural and touristic destination. After visiting Trogir Austrian Emperor Francis I of Habsburg (181😎 and King of Saxony Federick August (183😎, it was 1859 and delights Austrian Archduke Maximilian, later Mexican emperor, who had visionary sees its successful touristic future. The visit of Emperor Franz Joseph in 1874 marked the beginning of serious activities in revitalization of tourism resources.
Trogir boasts the first public pharmacy on Croatian territory from 1271, which is claimed and that was the first pharmacy in Europe. It was located within the house near the cathedral and town loggia. The original document that confirms it is in a private collection, and a copy of Trogir Museum.

  In Trogir is in 1271 opened the first pharmacy in Europe. It was located within the house near the cathedral and town loggia. The original document that proves it is in a private collection, and a copy of Trogir Museum.
Cultural, humanistic and construction flourished in the Middle Ages, when raising the city walls and towers of the ancient core formed the fundamental outlines of a number of buildings from the Romanesque, Gothic and Renaissance won him the title of the best preserved Romanesque town in Central Europe, which is why UNESCO included on the World Heritage List.

Period XIII-XV cent represents vrhunacdruštvene, economic, cultural and artistic power of Trogir. The time of big buildings, improvement of the fortification wall system and fortresses that completely surrounded the town.

Age is to Bribirskih Subic prince, humanist and writer Coriolanus Ćipika, Croatian bishops and Roy Peter Berislavića, fighter against the Turks.
Local craftsmen and artists have left their works: Radovan, Blaz Jurjev Trogiranin, Ivan Duknovic, and also Andrija Alesija and Nikola Firentinac.

Cathedral of St. Lawrence with Radovanovim portal, the church is a place where the visible styles from Romanesque to Baroque, and which have left their mark listed artists, whose art collection preserve the most valuable cultural and artistic heritage of the city.
Located on a main square that represents the continuity of existence, near the city hall, courthouse, tower clock and one of the most beautiful palaces - Cipiko.

The influence of Venice since 1420. to 1797. in the culture and architecture, but it is still through its four centuries of proficiency in Croatian language survived, although the official language along with Latin, was an Italian. Venice recognized very well the importance of the port and maritime trade and the navy, but also sabotaged dalm. Cities including the Trogir due to competition.

The palace Trogir family Ćipiko is located opposite the cathedral of Trogir.
The palace itself is a complex of several buildings, eventually fused into a unified whole. The oldest walls date from the early Middle Ages, but the best part of an assembly created in the XIII. century.
The most radical changes experienced in the palace XV. century, in the age of humanist, warrior and writer Coriolanus Ćipika, which is for its renewal then hired the most prominent artists Nikola Firentinac, Andrija Alesija and Ivana Duknovića.
We also have a rooster on the wall in the palace Ćipiko - now that's the rest of the warship "Trogir" who took part in an important battle of Lepanto in 1571, and it's also important to mention that, if there is Armageddon (the fight between good and evil) that it was battle.
In the battle was attended by six Croatian galleys (Cres, Krk, Rab, Sibenik, Trogir, Hvar). In addition was the one galley from Koper and one from Kotor. Zadar was in the days before the battle shattered pirate ships around Lepanto to fleet of the Holy League was undamaged before the battle. Sam Zadar galley has not participated in Lepanto battle because he fell into the hands of the Ottomans in Corfu.

The French government (1806th-1814th) has introduced a number of changes in the life of the city, especially in relation to education, economy, agriculture, health, etc.
The Austrian rule in Trogir lasted from 1814th to 1918th old noble family declined, and the bourgeois class takes political and cultural leadership. The age of the revival turmoil, struggle autonomists and populists to power.

At the beginning of XX century construct new buildings, regulates the waterfront. The city was passed from hand to hand Austria Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, then the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, and FNRJ and Yugoslavia. He survived several wars