[TheJakal] All things must come to an end

Day 2,029, 09:29 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by TheJakal

There comes a time when being active in eRepublik feels like an obligation, there comes a time when being active in eRepublik feels like a responsibilty.

That time is here for me.

It's not that the game is bad, its just that I grew too fast in the game and accomplished all that I wanted to accomplish.

At the time of writing this article, I am ranked 93 in the world based on egov4you website in terms of military rank.

My national rank in terms of XP is numero uno. This resulted in me becoming the first God of War*** amongst the Pakistanis.

The political party I helped found is also number one.

The Military Unit I helped found is also number one.

I also have the highest damage done for Pakistan both in a battle and in true patriot terms.

So its only fitting that on 5th of July 2013, two years of playing eRepublik, two years of crushing enemies, establishing new diplmatic relations, maintaining old ones and running the internal affairs of ePakistan it is time I leave all governmental positions and focus on other more entertaining things to do which is still to be determined.

After 5th July 2013, I will stop being the accused dictator and return to civilian life, although I would argue my dictaroship was totally awesome but a handful of players would disagree.

This isn't an article on me quitting eRepublik

This is me simply saying

Because in ePakistan there is an amazing team.

So I wish everyone the best of luck, vote and subscribe to my newspaper.

Thank you
