[TheJakal's Thought] How thing's work in eRepublik

Day 2,058, 17:32 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by TheJakal

It has been two years now that I have been playing this game and in those two years I have observed, participated, opposed and led Pakistan on many occasions. I have witnessed the epic failures of the self proclaimed kings of erepublik, I have witnessed powerful nations totally wiped, new alliances, new enemies and the rise of multi accounts.

Multi accounts is what allows the self proclaimed kings to rise to power, after failing to deliver on their countless promises they resort to what they know best which is cheating.

Everyone says, small countries suffer. Everyone says small countries are useless. But I am proud to say that Pakistan proved this theory wrong.

After months of dedicated hard work by select few, Pakistan was able to beat countries twice and at times 20 times stronger.

Why am I writing this? Because I grow tired of the failed excuses the self proclaimed kings come up with. Usually those self proclaimed kings have very little contribution towards the running of the country, very few contribution towards the national treasury and very few influence in battles. What they can do is write hundreds of articles. Why? Because its free and they channel all their energy into negativity and power grabbing.

This problem isn't just a Pakistani problem its everywhere. From eUSA to eSerbia to eChina the useless ones complain the most.

When a country like Pakistan that is ranked at the bottom can manage to turn around its situation than there is hope for other smaller countries.

Diplomacy is key and not the political diplomacy you see on the television, real diplomacy which means trying to create the win-win scenario, understanding the situation, accepting the facts and working with the resources at hand.

We managed to establish a relationship with China who for as long as I can remember was our enemy, we managed to make a relationship with Iran who just a year back attacked us and took our region. We managed to establish a relationship with Croatia the biggest enemy of our closest allies Serbia who have stuck by us when we were deserted by everyone else.

We maintained a relationship with USA thanks to DIO, we re-established our relationship with eTurkey thanks to our real life relations. We defeated FYROM and Belarus when they tried to conquer our Indian held regions, we managed to attack India yet still maintain open and friendly communication throughout.

But the one thing we are failing at is NaN, despite numerous attempts and massive spending for allies we are failing. Why? EGOS.

We brokered a deal for eMalaysia and eThailand where eMalaysia gets one of their region back but during the final stages of the agreement, eMalaysian Minister of Defence decided to endorse and support a resistance war. Hell we even agreed to pay the gaurantee that eThailand demanded from eMalaysians.
Our people in NaN have relentlessy pursued activity and military coordination only to be supported by 2 - 3 people in the entire alliance.

When Australia quit the alliance that it founded it was a big loss, but did Australia have to quit NaN to gain support from TWO? No they did not. They were the big guys in NaN their citizens would have been able to participate in many alliance activities but the tiny minded people saw otherwise, they only saw a way to create chaos and make themselves feel more important. TWO had already committed to wiping CoT and TWO would have helped Australia regardless but mistakes were made. So they left, nation divided, diplomacy failed, hard work failed.

But what keeps nations intact is not the bullshit government policies or the cry babies who scream as loud as they can its the elite shadow network of superior warriors and unmentioned diplomats who maintain the new world order.

Who are they? Well it is not my place to disclose but every country has a few, those few work to establish and maintain relationships those few decide the outcome of wars, they are of course supported by their entourage and hence the main battles are not the wars you see the main battles are the hard working people against the multi runners, the main battles are the hard working people against the screamers who cry wolf every chance they get.

So laws or no laws, rules or no rules, the eWorld is controlled by the select few whose only objective is to prosper and grow and make this game fun for everyone.

Are you new in this game? Than my advice to you is, your word means everything. It is better to accept failure than to deny it because only from failures do we learn and become better.

Don't vote for a Country President because of his countless promises, they all make it, vote for him because of his past performances as an individual in the game.

It is time, for the newbies to get wise and it is time to fight back hard against those who seek to destroy this game. For eRepublik is an epic game that brings entertainment in many homes but its also an educational games because it teaches you the need to work together for a common goal.