[The Belgian Paras] Report days 1633-1672

Day 1,674, 10:49 Published in Belgium Belgium by Nohjis


It took me a little bit more time then I had anticipated to write this report and give you an accurate view of what's going on with paras.

This report covers a 40 day period starting on day 1633 and ending on day 1672.

1. Activity and Strength training

About 4 weeks ago Ward notified us to be leaving for a trip for at least one week. We haven't seen him back since. He has therefor been replaced by MaryamQ since today. His statistics are not in the global averages to have an accurate view on what paras are doing.

The paras gain an average of 252 experience a day. The lowest ThomasRED with 234 a day, the highest Backwards with 274 a day. Given the few hits in the economy module and some missions, the average number of military hits are at around 200 a day per person.

The average strength gain was of 2.768 over that same period. Only Cotarius has missed 2 days of strength training due to a stay abroad without internet.

All long term members are at least of World Class Force rank at the moment. Thanks to this rank and strength increase, the average para gained 2.101 hit, placing all of us effectively over the 7k per hit mark.

2. Organisation

Backwards and myself have taken over the picking of battles for our daily IRC strikes. Our choice goes towards minor defensive battles unless requested to fight in a major battle by the MoD. As a highly visible group we deal out approximately 5-6 million damage in 5 minutes usually at the start of a mini. The battles chosen are balanced between TEDEN and ONE countries, most often outside of Europe.

The paras have helped out the private initiative of Viridi in South Korea and have conducted a special mission under the current administration for Moldova. There is currently no convention but we are available at the request of the government and contacts with BrunoCND as always are good.

3. Fancy pictures for tl;dr:

Note to graph: olv007 and Jofroi seem to be experiencing problems with Pulse, we hope this gets solved soon.

Best regards - Nohjis