[TemujinCP] Resume and Job Application

Day 1,112, 12:02 Published in Canada Canada by TemujinBC

To all Company owners of Canada,

My name is TemujinBC (but you can call me TemujinCP for short). I am a level 10 Guru* skill level worker. Since Day 648 of The New World, I have worked every day except one. Admittedly, I got drunk that day and skipped my shift, but that was over nine months ago and I have a clean record since.

For the largest part of my working life, I have been a slave in the Crimson pits, faithfully wearing the cog-shaped chains and producing everything from oil, stone, and titanium to tanks, moving tickets, and air units. Before that, I had stints in a construction company (Cybertron Industries - now defunct), Outstanding Grain, and I even spent some time in Carpenter Industries for former President Jacobi.

Oh yeah, and I worked for three lousy days at Rylde's Red Ale, because the stupid Edmonton Oilers beat the Canucks and I lost a bet to Rylde >.>

Please be advised that on Wednesday, Day 1114 of The New World, I will be in need of a new job. Tomorrow will be my last day in the Crimson pits, and I am offering my services to four lucky company owners (one company per week) for the duration of my term.

Assuming I don't get impeached...

Anyways, If you are a company owner, please log into your org and place a comment here stating you wish to enter the draw. On the morning of Day 1114 I will use random.org to pick four lucky orgs. If you are one of the winners, you will receive my services for one week. All I ask in return is a minimum wage salary of $1.20 CAD per day. Also, I hope you don't mind if I used the 200% booster when I work 😁

I didn't think you would.

Good luck to all those who enter.

Hugs and Kisses,
