[TemujinCP] On Newfoundland

Day 1,113, 02:30 Published in Canada Canada by TemujinBC

From what I understand, that was the margin of victory in the final mini-battle of the Newfoundland RW.

To thank everyone who fought would take a great deal of time, but it is important that some credit should go to the CAF members who fought in the final moments, as well as Bro Alexander Hamilton and his US bat-sh*t insane friends, who dropped an epic amount of damages in an insanely short amount of time.

But most of all, a shout-out to Damien Wolf and Drako Yang, who food-bombed Alfagrem and Battalgazi, and slowed them down enough to let our boys and girls win this thing. If you happen to need some food, perhaps you should ask them since their inventories are quite full 😁

We have regained Newfoundland, held Nunavut, and at the time of writing, are close to victory in Ontario. All in all, not a bad first day in office. Oh, did I mention we attacked Scotland?

Hail Canada
Hail Brolliance

Hugs and kisses,


PS - I'll try not to spam the news media too much, from now on. 😁