[TemujinCP] Dear Canada,

Day 1,111, 19:15 Published in Canada Canada by TemujinBC

Dear friends,

First of all I would like to thank everyone who voted for me today. I was extremely fortunate to have many good friends do all the "heavy lifting" such as mass PM's, advertisements, and shouts. From Zeshan and Crisfire to Janos Leinport and Wolfgang III, from the three parties that choose to endorse me, to those in the CAF who supported me, and all those who pulled the lever, it has been a tremendously proud day for me. I felt as though the prospects of a genuine baby boom would ignite the electorate, and knew this plank of my platform was a winner. My suspicions have been confirmed today, with over 41% of the over 800 votes cast in my favor. The election is not over, but I am in good shape with a few hours left to go before server reset.

Secondly, I would like to comment on the current occupation of our regions by France and the UK. Now many of you are probably expecting me to promise a quick reversal of our fortunes. But I won't. I respect the Canadian people as brothers and sisters in arms, and I won't deceive you with meaningless platitudes. The UK and France have a mass of Phoenix MPP's and deep pockets. The UK especially is thirsty for revenge after Fox Blutch's titanium balls dropped and he Acacia'd the button in a manner worthy of the man for whom the term is named.

So what I will say instead is this: We are currently in the midst of overwhelming difficulty. The UK (and a couple of Phoenix leaders in particular) have said over and over that they have no desire to invade Canada and take our regions. They have these spoken words and then immediately proceeded with the opposite action. We are now experiencing the consequences of their actions.

Some of you may be wondering how we will ever recover? Where are our allies? Where is EDEN? Where is the United States? Where is the unending pot? When I look upon the task before us, I must confess the overwhelming difficulty tries even my ingenuity. Nonetheless it is my view that over the next few days Canada shall bend, but not break. It is not the best option, but needs must.

I will not promise a quick end to this occupation, nor will I sue for an immediate peace and the permanant loss of our regions. On IRC, I have had friendly discussions with many in UK, from Maddog, GGRyan, and Thatcher, to Iain Keers and even JamesW (not to mention the other Temujin!). Alliances make it impossible for us to fight together, but on IRC we can chat and have fun. Phoenix has always had interest in resource-rich Canada. Their actions have spoken far louder than any words they spew. Had we been able to wipe London, it would have reset the MPP stack of the UK, and we could have pursued a genuine and lasting peace. This would have helped both nations, as we could focus our battle damages in other parts of the world. The huge expenditure of last month is used by our enemies as proof of our foolishness. It is pure horsecrap coming from the mouths of those who spit venom and spew deceit.

This occupation will cost us a great deal, and when the dust settles it is my hope Canada will emerge stronger and with renewed ties to those friends we have counted on in the past. Perhaps we shall even create new ties with old enemies. Whatever our enemies say, remember they have aggressed against us despite calling for peace. We shall fight, and shall one day regain our regions. Personally, I harbor no ill-will or hatred towards the leaders of Phoenix, France, or the UK. It is simply necessary that we regain every Canadian region, but we don’t do it out of any personal dislike.

Hugs and Kisses,



The last time I checked, our flag was still on this tree. And the USA? My Bros.
Let there be no mistake.

Hail Canada!
Hail EDEN!
Hail Brolliance!