Day 1,012, 15:30 Published in Serbia Serbia by Jelena Lukic
Serbian version:

Da li vam je muka svih bagova u ovoj igrici? Da li vam je dosta poljskih multija (botova)? Da li vas nervira mogućnost da se u ovoj igrici napreduje uz pomoć “visa” , “american express”, “master card” kao i mnogih drugih kreditnih kartica?

Kao što ste i pretpostavili uzrok ovih problema je ADMIN. Zašto to ne bismo promenili? Deluje da je to krajnje teško...čak i nemoguće!!!

Posle srpskih uspeha u bitkama Inner Mongolia protiv Poljaka
srpska vojska je napala i Istočni Sibir u kome će, nadamo se odneti pobedu 😉

Dokazali smo u više navrata da možemo da se nosimo sa više neprijatelja odjednom, da možemo da odbranimo naše najvrednije regije i sve to nas je dovelo do pozicije broj 1 koju uspešno držimo već par meseci.

Zašto onda ne bismo dodali šlag na tortu i rešili sve gore navedene probleme?

Da to je Singapur-mesto prebivalista admina:

Zamislite kad bi admin bar na jedan dan živeo u eSrbiji....

Nažalost to trenutno nije ostvarivo jer nemamo dovoljno novca za pohod kroz eIndiju do eMaležanskih teritorija koje se graniče sa eSingapurom.

*klik na sliku za donaciju


English version:

Are you tired of all the bugs in this game? Do you hate the fact that you take advance in this game if you use "visa", "american express", "master card" or many other credit cards? If you are sick of Polish multi accounts...

I have a solition for this problem. As you may thought the cause of all problems is ADMIN!!!Why don't we change that? It looks impossible.

After eSerbian military successes in Inner Mongolia against ePolish troops:

eSerbian army attacked Eastern Siberia, and I hope that we will win:

We have proven repeatedly that we can deal with multiple enemies at once, that we can defend our most valuable regions, and all this has led us to the No. , which we succesfully hold for several months.

So why do not we add the icing on the cake and fix all the above problems?

Yes, it's a home town of admin - Singapure city

Imagine if admin lived at least one day in eSerbia...

Unfortunately it is not feasible because we do not have enough money for the campaign through eIndia to eMalaysia territories bordering the eSingapure.

*click on image for donation