[SKD] EPIC DAYS FOR SouthKoreanDragons (Days 2120-2127)

Day 2,127, 15:48 Published in South Korea South Korea by ManuR

한국 안녕 Hello Korea,

We are SouthKoreanDragons

Epic days for our soldiers, as for everybody; and is not an illusion.

ManuR (67) +1
hanksolo (31) +4
7h3kill3r (29) +1

hanksolo is our new SM** and 7h3kill3r is now FM** . Congrats for both of them !
SS Medals :
ManuR (136) +3
sokm (62) +1
hanksolo (5) +1
7h3kill3r ( 8 ) +1

BH Medals
Our hero was hanksolo He won 3 medals in last week.
Mercenary Medals
ManuR (37) +1 and hanksolo (2) +1

Keep an eye on the Dragons for the latest news.

Congrats! and Good Luck! for all players and don’t forget to enjoy and the game and of course don’t forget to


, e-South Korean citizen and South Korean Dragon’s commander