Day 2,129, 12:34 Published in South Korea South Korea by ManuR

한국 안녕 Hello Korea,

Commander of SKD lets you know

reached to an end after an entire day of fighting with

Fortunately for our small military unit, in the last two days 80% of our members reached Top 50

In day 6 results were:

1st place hanksolo
5th ManuR
38th 7h3kill3r
46th sokm

In the 7th day there were:
4th hanksolo
8th ManuR
36th 7h3kill3r
37th sokm

The final top confirmed us our expecting, the first place being won at ease by hanksolo, our second commander [/img]

Again, the members of our small unit had extraordinary merits, three of them having their profile embedded with beautiful medals.
1st hanksolo with 64238 Prestige Points
9th ManuR with 17734 Prestige Points
22nd 7h3kill3r with 6062 Prestige Points
The unlucky member was sokm who lost the classification in top 50, winning the 51st place with a general score of 2471 Prestige Points.

Unfortunately South Korea could not keep up from the first day, reaching only the 61st position.
In the end we all had a pleasant surprise from Plato.

Keep an eye on the Dragons for the latest news
Congrats! for all players and don’t forget to enjoy and the game and of course don’t forget to


, e-South Korean citizen and South Korean Dragon’s commander