(Sinetron Lama) Persoalan Peraturan Media

Day 788, 10:45 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by ravimalekinth15

Saya tidak bermaksud untuk mematahkan semangat nubi dalam menulis artikel, tapi memang saya sudah capek lihat nubi-nubi yang protes dengan peraturan media atau pihak-pihak yang bersangkutan dengan media. Saya sarankan kalian jangan malas baca peraturan. Ini kan game gratis. Sudah gratis, kok tak mau baca peraturan? Kok sebagian malah berkelit dan marah-marah menyalahkan MoCI karena dianggap diktator? Dan malah bilang peraturan dibuat untuk dilanggar?

Sekarang buka link berikut (peraturan dasar Media):

[Spam is defined as any incoherent text, or lack of text itself, or text copied from another source that serves no other purpose than to flood the media in order to keep other articles from being seen.

The following actions ARE considered spamming:

1. transmitting any unsolicited, unauthorized materials or any other form of solicitation that ERPK Web considers in its sole discretion to be of such nature;
2. posting comments which are not related to the conversation;
3. posting articles or topics of real world events not directly related to eRepublik;
4. multiple posting of topics or comments in a short period of time, and publishing duplicate articles;
5. posting material that is not authored by the publisher himself or herself;
6. posting of articles of irrelevant nature that are flooding the news module (for example: Playboy-like articles);
7. posting article and article comments in order to advertise products or companies. ]

Okelah kalian tak mau ikut peraturan MoCI yang diktator itu, tetapi hal di atas tetap berlaku dan seharusnya tak boleh kalian langgar. Kalian tidak suka? Ya protes ke eRepublik si pembuat peraturan, jangan ke MoCI.