[Serbia]Thank you World

Day 2,372, 09:15 Published in USA USA by Cthulhu..
First, I'd like to publicly apologize to anyone else I've offended with my insensitive article from last week. I was ignorant of the devastating nature of the flood we are witnessing. Secondly, it was a total cop-out to imply that we should have received any sympathy or otherwise during any natural disaster here in the United States. And, lastly, I wanted to do what I could to help those in need. I play Riddick in erepublik, but I'm not a homocidal murdering a**hole.

Take care and God bless all.

Reprinted from Free Area's article.

Guys... I must say that I haven't been happy this much for many years. When I see that you are coming to our aid, donating, praying for our people, supporting us, my heart is full and I AM REALLY PROUD OF YOU ALL!

My last article was #1 in eRepublik these few days, only thanks to you, which provided informations to all players, and many of them have helped. I am writing this one to thank you for everything.

As you know , ex Yugoslav republics were divided after that stupid war, and many hated each others. But this flood have submerged all the borders, and we all became one again. It is no more important if you are Catholic , Orthodox or Muslim, neither it is important if your name is related to any of these religions or cultures, we are all together in this disaster, and we are all helping each others.

And that is not all. After my call and after our embassies did the same in RL, many people from all over the world donated how much they could. That is what we really appreciate!

Many countries also sent help officially: Macedonia,Slovenia,Russia,Montenegro,Croatia,France,Hungary,USA,Israel,Bulgaria,Czech Republic,Austria,Germany,UAE,Belarus and Serbian diaspora.

Collecting aid in many cities all over Macedonia

Collecting aid in Austria

Collecting aid in Slovenia

Serbia still needs help, we need food, drinkable water, medicine, diapers etc. so we need more funds. If anyone is still able to donate and help our people here are accounts :

-Internationally - Donate to Red Cross Serbia
IBAN: RS35 2002 6274 9010 1003 81 ; BIC/SWIFT: SBPORSBG

-Serbia - Dinar account: 160-279491-71 (indicating'' fight against the floods'') currency account: IBAN: RS35160005080002381269, SWIFT: DBDBRSBG, Customer: Srbi za Srbe

- Republika Srpska - km account: 5514802213924928 (indicating'' fight against the floods'') account: IBAN: BA395514804813925344, SWIFT: BALVBA22, Customer: Srbi za Srbe

- Austria: Account number: 10364339 BLZ: 32000 (with reference to'' fight against the floods'')

- States of the European Union: IBAN: AT97 3200 0000 1036 4339 SWIFT / BIC: RLNWATWW, Customer: Serbs for Serbs (with reference to'' fight against the floods'')

- Switzerlan😛 85-419625-6, IBAN: CH46 0900 0000 8541 9625 6, SWIFT: POFICHBEXXX, Customer Serbs for Serbs (with reference to'' fight against the floods'')

- PayPal (Europe): szsaustrija@gmail.com (indicating'' fight against the floods'')

- PayPal (America): szsamerika@gmail.com (indicating'' fight against the floods'') - www.serbsforserbs.org

Checking acct info (USA) Domestic wires: 121000248 Acct# 5765278378 International wires: WFBIUS6S Bank Name: Wellsfargo NA. Address:420 MONTGOMERY STREET, SAN FRANCISCO,CA. 94163.
Mail donation: PO Box 34206 Chicago, IL. 60634 USA.

- Moneybookers / Skrill: c3c.org@gmail.com

Thank you!
ви благодарам!
Hvala vam!
σας ευχαριστώ!

Free Area