[RN] If You Wish for Peace, Prepare for War

Day 2,417, 03:47 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Royal Navy

The New World Cup has ended and the results are in! The Royal Navy has truly shown why it rules the waves. The MU was amazingly able to claim victories in Division 2,3 & 4 along with 2nd place in division 1. On top of this we finished has as top of the standing for both damage made and opponents killed this week and our regiment 7 finished 49th for prestige points and 69th (hehehe) for regimental damage. This is a fantastic achievement and one every sailor should be proud of.

The trophy cabinet is really filling up

Now, Royal Navy sailors can not claim all the credit for these excellent achivements and so I would like to thank, from the bottom of my heart, all those who moved over to the Royal Navy for this competition and dealt huge amounts of damage for the cause. I would especially like to thank our great friends at the Royal Army Dental Corps for their efforts. You guys are always welcome in the RN and our teeth have never been so clean.

DC + RN = Winners

The Royal Navy is a top eUK Military Unit (MU) committed to protecting the shores of this fine country and to proudly conquer lands in the name of our eKing and eCountry. We allow anyone who is committed, active and loyal into the MU irrespective of your political allegiances. We offer a friendly, entertaining and relaxing environment for any citizen willing to fight for their country.

The Royal Navy also runs weekly strikes for its members on a sunday in our in-game chatroom. Strike kits include 15 Q7s and 150 Q5 food. All damage is recorded between 3pm and 7pm GMT and included in our weekly STRIKE SUNDAY article. Royal Navy sailors can also receive rewards for their hard work on the battlefield. Every time you rank up and post on the RN feeds notifying command you will receive:

- 10 Q6 tanks for a *
- 20 Q6 when full rank is reached
- Increases to Q7 tanks at the rank of Field Marshal

Our brilliant Royal Navy suppliers also have limited jobs available for active sailors which can earn them 84 Q7 tanks per week.

By Sambo911
Royal Navy Admiral

For further information on the Royal Navy, go here.

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