[Random Thoughts] A shadow in the Winter

Day 1,478, 08:53 Published in Belgium Belgium by Jofroi

Those who are following the Belgian news and knows the eBelgian recent history, might have an idea of what I have in mind, for the others, I will make a very short introduction about Filip Dewinter.

Dewinter is the party politic leader of the Vlaams Belang, the dutch main (right) extremist party.
End of the introduction (I said it would be very short).

And this guy share a lot of things with Shadowukcs if we compare with his life in eBelgium.

Indeed, Shadowukcs has also been party president of the right (extremist) party of Res Belgica. Both of them have been members of the congress (or its equivalent in real life). The father of Filip has worked in a weapon company, and Shadowukcs also has worked in a eWeapon company.

As you can see there are a lot of common points between those two persons, even if they might not be aligned from a political point of view.

We could argue that other politicians are also very similar to Shadowukcs. However, Filip Dewinter share another common but very specific point with Shadowukcs.

Indeed, he declared in 2010 that he would leave Belgium for Namibia if Elio di Rupo was Prime Minister of Belgium. Finally, this has happened. However Filip is still in Belgium and he is not planning to leave.

Shadowukcs did exactly the same two months ago, when he stated that he would leave eBelgium if Ward de Bever would win the elections. And he is still here!!!

I have the feeling that we still have to support both for some times. However, this event proves that some politicians can’t be trusted.

Belgian Observer