[Quiz] Pocket Kingdom: Own The World (10K CC inside)

Day 1,959, 07:22 Published in Japan Japan by ardishabutaro

At first, i don't know how to play this game, but after know how to play it, this game make me addict about it. I play it in my first handphone (Nokia N-Gage QD), and till now, this is the best game i ever play.

Unfortunately, there is no other version of this game (only released in N-Gage format). I find it out for many years, still didn't get similar game like this.

Key features
- Command over 100 beautifully animated fantasy units, from golems to lycanthropes to high elves (You can control many unit in this game, and its unit is variety from soldier/knight/thief/skeleton/assassin/priest/etc)
- You can create many party (combination of units, like full attack party: swordsman/assassin/sniper/mage, or other type of party)
- Explore world to collect valuable resources you'll need to forge devastating weapon and armors (over 50,000 possible item combinations)

FAQ 1 || FAQ 2


Ok. Help me to find similar game like Pocket Kingdom, if you know it. Don't google it (like "similar game like pocket kingdom"), because google result is untrustable (for me)
If you can help me, i would appreciate you much (by tanks giveaway)

1. Must be Offline game (you can find Online game, but at least the game must have offline version -Like Ragnarok, you can made private server to play it offline-)
2. Must be PC GAME (Android is acceptable, PSP also, but not in PS2/PS1/DS/WII/XBOX360 game)

1. Multiple unit i can use, and create party from it (character/unit list, you can check in FAQ1/FAQ2) >> 20 Q7 Tanks per people give me the similar game, have this criteria.
2. Multiple combination of resources, and can be forged to make weapon/armors (i don't say to 50K of combination, but as many combination as possible is good for my criteria) >> 20 Q7 Tanks per people give the similar game, have this criteria.

3. Have 2 point above, prize will be 10.000 CC.

No need to worry, this is not April Mop.
(and don't need to SUBS my newspaper, i say it before, i already get my MMM)

Votes and Shout to other people, please!

Notes: Thanks to help me finding the game, i appreciate your help much ^,^