【總統報告】卸任 President Report, Outgonig

Day 1,658, 19:59 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by SORA Chung

Hello everyone, here is outgoing President SORA.

Conventionally, I should write an article emotional but also touched people's hearts, so that you will remember who is the CP of this term......but unfortunately, I have my final exam from tomorrow to Friday, now in a calm state, if you are waiting for some long speech(is there anyone waiting for this? I doubt), you will be despair.

In the end, what kind of job is to be a President?

At here I can said without fair : a President will never be a easy job, never.

There are 40 congress also can take 5 gold for a term, but you can do your job more easily because there are people sharing. To submit their views and to promote the motion carried will be the most reason cause you feel tired.

Cabinet is specialization, although their reward are a little be lower, but you have power on professional handling and resignation. Spend lots of time on works, communication and coordination will make you tired.

What about President?

I have to say, Cabinet and President have relationship of mutual support; CP leads, and Cabinet do-to be a President, you don't need to do everything well, or we can say that doing nothing good is the requirement to be a CP? You just require a basic understanding of the ministries, trust your cabinet members and choose the right person, it is what a President should do.

Simple to say, communicate is most important to be a President.

Parliament opinion within the Cabinet views incompatible, the president should come forward to communicate; we have diplomatic dissension, the president have come forward to the negotiations; ; Cabinet have to reorganization or the addition of new blood, the president needs coordination .

President, is the role of a mouth; however, that mouth, but vital.

Every words you said in public, it may be a command.

Every words you said in a national negotiations, it may start a war between countries.

Every interpretation and criticism you did, may affect the future direction of the country.

This mouth is crucial.

In this game system, we can find out that most of the power are overlap between CP and congress; Trade embargoes, set Natural Enemy.......these works set by the system, they don't require a President or Congress to do them, only about the MPP and donate money are different, right?

So, why do I still saying President the position is not simple? If you can let most of the work by the members to manage, that the President does not just a MPP generator?

The hard work and obligations derived from the regulations of our country, from the will of all citizens - the President must do the work

Not everyone likes the system, but the system is absolutely necessary for an organization or country. Without system, we will only turn a mess into only for temporary preferences or impulsive action of self-employe😛 We are part of a same organization, please to keep in mind

我們都是名為eRepublik Of China(中華民國)這個讓我們感到榮耀與驕傲的組織的一份子,都是不可或缺的一員,我們絕對不能忘記
We must not forget we are both an indispensable member of this organization, eRepublik Of China (ROC), which makes us feel the glory and pride.

Maybe ones will say: This is just a fictional games made ​​in the fictional country; maybe others will say: The citizenship means nothing in this game.

Yes, in this game, citizenship really means nothing. If you want, you can change all of the world's citizenship and this doesn't matter.

The most important is about your heart.


Do you approve that you are the one under the ROC flag?
Do you willing to fight for those who are fighting for the flag as same as you?
When you are standing in front of other countries, do you stand tall proudly and say you are from eROC without hesitate?

I think, this is called the national consciousness, and my job is to comply with such a sense of eROC, and lead you into a better living environment.

Talking about if I'm competent president or not-I'll leave the appraisal for you to discuss. It's immoral for me to appraise myself, and it also doesn't objective. Maybe, only after months later and see back on this term, we can make correct score for my appraisal finally.

Wish you all have fun, and also have a good day.

P.S. Hope those are fighting on final exam like me can ends it up quickly.

SORA Chung

All Hail eROC!!