[PM] You Were Always on my Mind; The Cabinet!

Day 687, 12:55 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mr Woldy

The Cabinet

Just like RL, we Prime Ministers are accompanied by the Cabinet. The release of this article was delayed somewhat by the maintenance, but none-the-less, here we are.

Firstly, carrying on from last term, Necrosis shall be MoDaFa. It's fair to say he did an ace job, and he knows his business like the back of his hand. Letting him go whilst he'd still like to be around would be mad!

Taking over the MoHa, we will see Nice Guy Eddie showing us his thing. He has worked with me for many terms and was always a real asset to the ministry.

The new MoD shall be Accalia, who's been CO of th enavy and is comfortable with sliding into this new task.

For the MoW, we see the noble John Forseti coming back to help the running of our companies, and to give those ever important new players a job.

We shall see Iain Keers return to run the MoT. This term both the MoT and the MoF will be tasked with discovering where money comes from regarding our taxes. Obviously the invaluable previous work of the ministry such as advice will continue also.

DilltheDog emerges as MoF, Dill has countless times proven that he knows his stuff when it comes to the economy. When Arthur made it known that he wouldn't be reapplying for the position unless he really had too I asked him who he thought would be up to the task. He happened to mention the guy at the top of my shortlist.

And of course we shall see AltmerVampire staying with us as our MoFa. He's pretty cool, and a bright young fellow who knows whats what.

Similarly, John Bartlett will be staying on as MoLa. He's good at what he does, 'nuff said.

You can apply for positions in the Ministries by asking the ministers, or by checking the forums for application threads.


I feel it's worth mentioning, that following the CP elections The Unity party saw a rise in membership and over took the UKRP to become the UK's largest party.

A lot of work was put in by everyone, past PP's, congressmen, and many members of the party. Their dedication and focus on letting our message be known has obviously paid off. There was much rejoicing.

Finally it's worth mentioning that there is currently an open battle in the Latvia-Lithuania training war. I've had my 4 fights, have you? 😉
Check the MoD's paper; here.

Not only that but following the positive response from my banner competition, you would have noticed a winner has already been chosen!

There were mainy entries, but that one struck me like an arrow. Well done to Dark-Wisp, monies coming your way!

Mr Woldy,
Prime Minister.

Are you a new player? Be sure to check the People’s Gazette New player’s guide.
Confused by war and fighting? Check the guides to wellness and wars.
And get on the forums, and get involved!

Remember to get your subscription to the government newspapers.
You can find them here:

Ministry of Defence
eUK Home Office (MoHa)