[Pakistan] The Future - CP Candidate.

Day 2,051, 03:56 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by TheJakal

So Pakistan fought off two attempts by CoT to airstrike into our Indian held regions, fought of simeltaneous RW efforts by India but eventually lost to India.

Are we weak? Nah.

But we were tired from all the wars and with the internal political propoganda by NPP a lot of people including myself got fed up.

There are patriots in Pakistan and than there are medal hunters, faris and abuzar are medal hunters, they do 90% talking and 10% real work and this new trend of bringing in their version of democracy is flawed.

DPP has since October 2012 funded every major war effort. From supplies to merc damage to buying small bombs our members and allies have gone all in countless times.

We fought against Uruguay, we fought against China, we fought against India, we fought against Belarus and we fought against FYROM.

Holding the highest postition in the country might look easy from the outside but when faced with no resources can be a very painful experience. We are at that painful experience once again. India did well, there tacticians outsmarted Pakistan and they co-ordinated their damage well.

But all is not lost. With the right leadership and the right resources we can rise once again. Pakistan might still be a small country in eRepublik but diplomatically and military wise we have proven our worth a thousand times over.

Our MPP stack in times of need makes any small country uber jealous and our military strentgh has constantly increased since we inducted Furious Meerkats into Pakistan.

Since democracy is the new word these days than looking at the figures it makes most sense that the largest party in Pakistan chose the CP candidate and after consultation with our allies I have decided to become that candidate.

DPP has the largest military unit, the most resources and the most active people.

So get ready for some action and get ready for new victories because Pakistan under DPP will come back with vengence.

Kind Regards
