[OCN] Donation limit will be set tomorrow morning!

Day 1,588, 08:34 Published in Sweden Sweden by Oscdar

Get ready, tomorrow the limit for country donations will be raised. But will these changes be positive or negative to the Economic module? And to the game as a whole?

Article by Oscdar

According to the official eRepublik Facebook-page the limit for the country accounts donation law will be set, tomorrow morning, to 400.000 C which is a huge raise from the earlier limit of 99.999 C.

This will be a big leap forward for big countries with alot of CC in their country treasure, but will according to "The Local News" also "make the setting of the taxes more interesting for some countries that are already today struggling to compete for player made and Plato made sales on the market".

And other sources claim that this will highly raise the Market prices, when Government owned companies will be able to buy larger quantities of weapons.

This may also make the gold prices rush to new a new higher price range, since more money will be set into action, lowering the value of C.

And it is only a matter of time before we can see whether any of these speculations are true. The new limit will be set tomorrow morning.

- Oscdar, OCN

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