[MoL] War Tutorial

Day 2,029, 22:00 Published in Belgium Belgium by Jofroi

Wars can be started by any country at president's proposal and congresses approval. However, there are few limitations:
To declare war, country must pay the costs of war, equal to 300 GOLD + 1 GOLD for each active citizen soldier. This amount of money is paid from Country's National Treasure
War can be declared only to neighbor countries which have at least a region with common borders. However, there are a few regions that have borders over seas or oceans.
War cannot be declared in less than 10 days after signing a peace treaty with the country you wish to attack
Wars can be proposed only by presidents from the President Administration Area
When a war starts, the country which declared war is considered to be the attacker, as the country which the war was declared to is consider to be the defender. If the defender has Mutual Protection Pacts with other countries, those other countries can enter the war and fight in the defender side. Each one is automatically involved in a war with the attacker, even if they don't have common borders. You can see a full list of wars in eRepublik by accessing the wars list page.
After the war starts, all the regions with common border on the defender's side become battle fields. By accessing the war details page, you will have a full list with active and ended battles within that war, including details of the phase the battles is in. Every citizen can enter and watch the battle in a region, but only soldiers from the countries involved can enter and fight, including soldiers from indirectly involved countries via mutual protection pacts. A battle consists in 3 phases:
Phase 1: during the first 24 hours of the battle, soldiers fight in the region to weaken their opponent. Conquering or securing the region is not possible. You will see a countdown timer showing the time left until phase 2
Phase 2: soldiers fight to eliminate the opponent from the region. it lasts as long as there are soldiers waiting in both sides. As soon as soldiers from one side defeats all the soldiers in the other side the region becomes vulnerable and battle goes to phase 3
Phase 3: region is vulnerable, meaning that there are soldiers left only in one side. If there are only attackers left, they can conquer the region. The conquer button becomes available for every soldier left in the battle. If there are only defenders left, they can secure the region. The Secure button becomes available, but only for soldiers of the defender country, allies cannot secure region. During this phase, if another soldier joins the opposite side, battle goes back to phase 2
Once a region gets conquered or secured, the battle in that region ends. In order to respond to enemies attack, defender must secure all his regions first. After all the battles ends, the front moves over the border, in attackers side. Once again, all the regions with a common border become attackable and battles take place.
Attention: even if the battles move to attacker's regions, they are still considered attackers and the others are still considered defenders.
A war ends in the following situations:
A peace proposal is made by one of the presidents of the two involved countries and accepted bythe other. Peace proposals can be made at any time and Presidents can request or offer Gold in exchange of peace. Peace can be proposed from President Administration Area.
One of the two countries involved is entirely occupied, meaning all it's regions have been conquered.
The attacker is occupied by another country.

President area in a war

Only Country Presidents can propose wars. Every war proposal needs to be voted by the National Congress. During the war, as Country President, you have the possibility to propose a peace treaty using the feature "Propose peace". Peace can be made in the next 3 circumstances:
You just ask for peace without paying or getting any money;
Your country demands a certain amount of Gold from the enemy country in return for the peace;
Your country offers a certain amount of Gold to the enemy country in return for the peace.

War Tutorial

In this war tutorial we will use the following terms:
Country: A – Regions: A1, A2,
Country: B – Regions: B1, B2, B3
Country: C – Regions: C1, C2, C3
1st Situation: Country B declares war to country A:
Regions A1 and A2 bordering the B country will become battle zones.
The A1 region is secured and afterwards A2 is conquered by B, than A1 becomes again a battle zone alongside with A3 and A4.
A secures all their regions (A1, A2), than B1, B2 and B3 will become battle zones.
2nd Situation: Country B declares war to country C, which has a mutual protection pact with country A.
if A would have a mutual protection pact with B, it becomes invalid
regions A1 and A2 bordering the B country will become battle zones.
regions C1 and C2 bordering the B country will become battle zones.
the Mutual Protection Pacts of country A will not be considered in the A versus C war.
if all the regions of A and C are secured, B1, B2 and B3 will become battle zones
The battle for a region can en😛
When one of the A soldiers in that battle defending the region clicks the Secure region button.
This will be possible only 24 hours after the battle has started and only if there are no other attacking soldiers in the battle;
When one of the B soldiers in that battle attacking the region clicks the Conquer region button.
This will be possible only 24 hours after the battle has started and only if there are no other defending soldiers in the battle;
If a peace treaty is signed in the meanwhile

Secure region

If you are a soldier of the country that owns the attacked region and you decide to enter the battle, you have to click the “Join defenders” button. If the 24 hours since the region became a battle zone have passed and there are no attackers in the battle, the “Secure region” button will become active (red), in the final phase of the battle. When clicking the “Secure region” button and all conditions are accomplished, the following actions will take place:
all the defender soldiers are taken out of the battle;
the region is no longer a battle zone, only if all the regions bordering it are secured
a message will be shown in the homepage (in the “War coverage” section):
“Region A1 was secured by country A”
if in the defending country there are no other active battle regions, than all the regions bordering the defender's territory and belonging to countries that are at war with the defender will become active battles (if aren't already).

Conquer region

If you are a soldier of a country that declared war to another country and you decide to enter the battle, you have to click the “Join attackers” button. If the 24 hours since the region became a battle zone have passed and there are no defenders in the battle, the “Conquer region” button will become active (red), in the final phase of the battle. When clicking the “Conquer region” button and all conditions are accomplished, the following actions will take place:
all the attacker soldiers are taken out of the battle;
the region is no longer a battle zone, only if all the regions bordering it are secured
a message will be shown in the homepage (in the “War coverage” section):
“Region A1 was occupied by country B”
the region and the city will belong to the attacking country
all the marketplace offers placed by companies from that region will disappear.
from the accounts of the country that lost the region will be taken x% of the gold and local currency and transferred to the occupying country, where x = (100 / number of regions of that country).
1. if the region conquered is the last region of the defending country than all the companies (including newspapers), parties and Citizens will belong to the occupying country and all the active wars of the defending country will be over;
2. if the region conquered is not the last region of the defending country:
All Congressmen, Country President and Party Presidents living in the conquered region will move to their country Capital and they will keep their citizenship. If they own companies than their companies will automatically move to a new region (capital), but all their employees will be fired. In case they are employees to other companies they might lose their job.
The rest of the Citizens will automatically lose their citizenship and they will become Citizens of the attacking country. Their companies will also be located in the attacking country.
If the conquered region hosts the capital city, it will not be the capital anymore and the new capital will be the biggest region (in terms of population) belonging to the defending country.
All companies must have workers only from the Country where it is located. Also, all the companies that will move to the attacking country, will automatically have accounts in the currency of the occupying country.