[MoHA / vMoFA] Resignation

Day 2,044, 13:11 Published in Belgium Belgium by El1teBE

Dear Country President, dear Government members, dear eBelgian citizens,
Probably all of you know what happened lately, I don't want to tell the story once again. If anyone don't know what happened, all you need to do is read these articles:

Konrad Neumann - Unofficial Article of UK NE and eBE Will be PTOed.
CP of eBelgium - [eBE] Official Statement about the NE and more
Jofroi - [MoL] The Hero of the day
Jofroi - [MoL] The Hero of the day 2

As you can see, everything is said in there.
Because our former MoFA, tecuvo decided to be true leader, and to make decision for eBelgium's sake, instead of having fun with me and his eGrandmother on IRC, for example - he was fired from the Government. Well, I maybe didn't participated much in the MoFA team as vMoFA this month, and for sure - I didn't made that decision, but I was there when that decision was told to us by tecuvo, I was informed, and I thought (and still think) that was/is the best way to prevent eBelgian Political Take-Over. That's why I think I should have been fired as well, not because I made decisions without "communicating" with the CP (as he says), but because I was also a part of that same MoFA team (as vMoFA or SSoFA - whatever), and because I approve his decision! So, that's why I feel moral responsibility to resign from all Government positions (Minister of Home Affairs and State Secretary of Foreign Affairs).
This resignation also means that I do not support any statement published in the CP article. Also, I do not want to participate in a Government where there is that much little communication between the Country President and Ministries, and where the opinion and the actions of the Ministries are not respected.

My fight for eBelgium won't stop after this resignation: maybe not in the battlefield where we must lose, so I will not be fighting, maybe not as part of the former Anti Take-Over team, because I don't feel like I belong there, or in the current ATO team (if there is such thing) created by the CP... My fight will continue first of all - in Res Belgica, mostly between young members, to whom I am fully devoted as Vice President of RB. Then, my fight will continue together with those who share the same beliefs as mine. My fight will continue against the PTOers, and against the creation of multiple accounts. And last - if you see me fighting for UK in the next few days, you can call me traitor, if you like, but that won't be me doing treason, it will be me - continuing my fight for eBelgium!

I am sorry for using my personal newspaper for publishing this article, I am only afraid that if this article was published in Belgian Encyclopedia, it could easily be deleted in the future.

Oh, and unlike the CP did when fired tecuvo, I have already informed our Government for my resignation.

Proud eBelgian