[MoFA] Q&A with eUSA [EN]

Day 3,308, 08:20 Published in India Indonesia by AdjieDW

Greetings to all People around the world, this is my first Ministry of Foreign Affairs article in eIndia.

First of all, let me introduce myself to all of eIndia citizen. my name in this game is AdjieDW, you could call me Adjie because that's my real life name. I'm here because Eraclev invite me to become his team, so I accept it with an excitement! I hope we could move together to resurrect eIndia. 😃

Well, let's get to the main topic already, I've some special interview for you guys, with the President & Dictator of eUSA, fingerguns. I hope you guys enjoy 😃

Q: Could you introduce yourself to the beloved readers?

A: I am fingerguns. I started playing this game a long time ago, but I left for long stretches. I've been back for about 6 months now and having a great time. I am from RL USA.

Q: Why do you want to become President and Dictator?

A: I wanted to become Dictator because I had some ideas to help my country domestically and I wanted to be in the driver's seat to make it happen.

Q: What’s your goal for this month?

A: Nearly all of my goals are domestic- helping my citizens become stronger, better and more active. There are certain problems I think every country faces because of the actual game of eRepublik. I think most world leaders are struggling to keep their populations active. I have some goals on that front, as well, that I think will be good for all of us.

Q: Since eUSA are involved with many countries in battle in the past months, can I ask your opinion about eBulgaria, eIndia, eIndonesia, and eMacedonia?

A: I don't have strong opinions about many countries other than eIndonesia. They know what they did. But now that they are back to being an eUS colony, all is forgiven and we can move on with our lives. I am happy to be their Queen and Dictator at the same time.

Q: Is there anything you want to say for eIndia?

A: Not especially. We don't have much reason to ever talk to each other. It would be nice if we had a reason because I like meeting people in this game. Maybe we'll think of something.

That's it for this week Q&A, and next week there will be another special guest which keep you guys guessing (I hope so).

See you and have a nice day! 😃

Ministry of Foreign Affair
