[MoFA] Q&A with eSwitzerland [EN]

Day 3,322, 19:04 Published in India Indonesia by AdjieDW

Greetings to all People around the world, this is my third Ministry of Foreign Affairs article in eIndia.

First of all, I'm sorry that i didn't make the article for the past days. There are a little bit problem, so yeah.. sorry 🙂

Today, as i said in my previous article, click here if you miss it. I've another special guest (again), and today, I've brought the top 5 player of eSwitzerland, or maybe the most influece man in his eCountry, Uncle Rican. I hope you guys enjoy with the interview! 😛

Q: Could you introduce yourself to the beloved readers?

A: In some circles I’m known as Uncle Rican.

Q: How did you find out eRepublik?

A: That was 7 years ago and I don’t remember, but if I ever find out who got me started on it, I will probably kill him.

Q: What do you think about last changes in eRepublik? (Air Module and its leaderboard)

A: Yeah… admin is adding some cool new graphics but little in the way of substantive content.

Q: Why do you want to become President?

A: I have been CP and I know that it’s way too much work. 😛

Q: What’s your goal for this month?

A: To catch up with RL work.

Q: Why eSwitzerland hasn’t choose their alliance?

A: Well, we have tried but evidently we are too small of a country to be considered for membership.

Q: Is there anything you want to say for eIndia?

A: eIndia has a lot of loyal an honorable citizens. I’m glad that some of them are my friends.

Short Question:

1. Young Boys/FC Basel?

I watch football but don't really follow it.

2. DJ Antoine/Mike Candys?

I like classical, rock and blues.

3. Tartiflette/Raclette?

Italian, Spanish and Puerto Rican

4. Rivella/Beer?

Wine & Tequilla

5. Movies/Books?

Favorite movie of all time is: Matrix.
Favorite book is: 100 Years of Solitude

So, that's Q&A for this week! and next week will be the last of Q&A series from me. And of course there will be another special guest, or maybe you could suggest it in the comment section which Country leader/the most influence in your eCountry should I interview! 😃

See you and have a nice day! 😃

Ministry of Foreign Affair
