[MoFA] Q&A with eSouth Korea [EN]

Day 3,313, 06:31 Published in India Indonesia by AdjieDW

Greetings to all People around the world, this is my second Ministry of Foreign Affairs article in eIndia.

Today, as i said in my previous article, click here if you miss it. I've another special guest, and today, I've brought CP of eSouth Korea itself, Comet Academy. I hope you guys enjoy with the interview! 😃

Q: Could you introduce yourself to the beloved readers?

A: Hello! I am Comet Academy, president of eSouth Korea. I am happy to have this interview with eIndia MoFA! I was born in eUSA, and I played several role in Department of Citizen Affair there. I migrated to eSouth Korea in October, and worked as MoFA. I am a newbie-friendly guy. I don’t really care about nationality, so PM me if you want any help about this game module. I can communicate with english. I think there is no problem in PMing with eIndia new players.

I live in RL South Korea. I am going to graduate high school this February and enter university in March. I am interested in Biology! I played piano for 11 years and I love playing it. I also love Green Day, MUSE, and Portland Trail Blazers.

Q: How did you find out eRepublik?

A: Honestly I cannot remember well. I was finding a new game just before final exam of 2nd symester(you know, best moment for starting a new game) and somehow I entered this game. In a big community, I started to stick to this game.

Q: What do you think about the last changes in eRepublik?

A: You mean, aircraft module and changes to the economic module? Well, I own some factories but I am not a big CEO. Old players and of course young players get frustrated by the complexed economic module, and they took more money by “Holding Companies” and relocation cost. Sorry, not a good way. They made it harder for young players.

However, aircraft module is a great update I think. With that, small countries and young players can find a way to become powerful. I was only interested in politics in the past but right after the update release, I became a pilot and started to crush enemies. Even though high level players still have advantage, young players can be huge help to their countries by making enemies to spend more energy bars. On the ground? No way.

Q: Why do you want to become President?

A: eSouth Korea is a growing country. We were weak in the past but now we have some huge players. Also, I created an airforce army(Sky Club Korea) and we are growing insanely. I wanted to boost this community, especially in aircraft module. As I said before, young players can be a huge help to their country via this module. We are supporting young and active players now.

Also, I wanted to make this community active. I was in a big community and I wanted to introduce some of the great parts of that community in our community. We already got some players who are interested in media module. Some players are building and upgrading their companies. I am happy to see this.

Q: What’s your goal for this month?

A: “Aggressive Growth” this is my motto this month. Improving individual firepower, enhancing the power of unity, helping allies, making more friends... all things are in that two words.

Q: Is there anything you want to say for eIndia?

A: eIndia is a small country, but I always see eIndia soldiers and pilots in battlefields. There are some great players in the country and I am sure your country can grow more. I hope we can be a nice friend 🙂

ps. I love the movie “3 Idiots”! (We all love that film!) 😃

Short Question:

1. FC Seoul/Seongnam FC?

FC Seoul(I am not a soccer fan but I live in Seoul so...hehe)

2. K-Pop/K-Rock?

I love rock, so K-Rock.

3. Bulgogi/Bibimbap?


4. Soju/Omija Tea?

What you guys know Omija Tea? I love all kinds of teas but I think I am going to drink more soju after I get in univ.

5. Movies/Books?

Books in the past, movies these days.

So, that's Q&A for this week! and next week there will be another special guest, or maybe you could suggest it in the comment section which Country leader should I interview! 😃

See you and have a nice day! 😃

Ministry of Foreign Affair
