[MoFA] Q&A with eCyprus [EN]

Day 3,327, 17:19 Published in India Indonesia by AdjieDW

Greetings to all People around the world, this is my fourth Ministry of Foreign Affairs article in eIndia.

Today, as i said in my previous article, click here if you miss it. I've another special guest (again and again), and today, I've brought CP of eCyprus, Sergeant Spring. I hope you guys enjoy!

Q: Could you introduce yourself to the beloved readers?

A: I’m CP of Cyprus, but also the arcibiskup of the the Flying Spaghetti Monster eChurch 😛

in RL i’m 34 years old,I train dogs by day for a living & work as sous chef at a restaurant at nights.

Q: How did you find out eRepublik?

A: F*ck me if i know! but damn that day 🙂

Q: What do you think about last changes in eRepublik?

A: There were some good changes in recent years, but a lot more bad changes, ultimately only the community is the thing that keeps me here ... The game itself has long since lost it’s way.

Q: Why do you want to become President?

A: RL has been good to me recently, I guess going CP is my “masochistic” way to balance things 🙂

I'm kidding ofc - I ran for CP because I wanted to feel some action, and because Cyprus is a great country with great people, i moved here from eIsrael after many years and I really enjoyed getting to know the local community and serve them as CP.

Q: Are your goal was achieve this month?

A: There are always goals 😃, we have achieved parts of some i think ... to me personally it’s important that people enjoy the game and that means first of all wars and military operations - at that section we are doing ok i think.

But on the social section, I wished I could write articles all the month, but between the many mess PM’s i read and other things that comes with the CP seat, i don’t have time to write articles and it is kind of goal I want to achieve, but still fail at.

Q: Why eCyprus choose Adriatica as their alliance?

A: No comment on this one, interview N.oName next & ask him 😛

Q: Is there anything you want to say for eIndia?

A: Happy holidays o/

Short Question:

1. APOEL/Omonia?

don't watch that sh*t, NBA is my game and there are lots of players in the NBA i like, not any team.

2. Meze/Moussaka?

meat & chianti wine

3. Commandaria/Zivania?


4. Movies/Books?

love sci-fi, isaac asimov was the first writer that made me go WoW as a young kid, from there on i got in deeper in to sci-fi 🙂

So, that's the last Q&A for this term! Hoping that I could contribute more in the next term. 😃

See you and have a nice day! 😃

Ministry of Foreign Affair
