[MoD] Thank you to our allies

Day 1,703, 19:41 Published in Slovakia Slovakia by Ministerstvo obrany SR

MoD of eSlovakia would like to say thank you to all the MUs that came and supported our effort to get rid of Ukraine.

We would like to say thank you to the many citizens of Poland, Macedonia, Chile, Serbia, Bulgaria, Estonia, Lithuania and many others that helped.

I´m very happy we showed them, that we have strong allies and can stand united, if necessary.

For this I am grateful. It was a pleasure, ladies and gentleman.

We will keep up the effort to properly coordinate our interests with the interests of our allies, we will continue supporting you whenever we can and hope you will do the same for us in the upcoming battles.

We are sure, that we can protect our countries and the countries of our friends, as long as we can, we will be fighting. o/

The MoD-team