[MoD] RW in Ha'il and Mission Summary 2,130 מרד בהייל וסיכום המשימות

Day 2,130, 05:19 Published in Israel Israel by Israel Ministry of Defense

זה עיתון משרד הביטחון. אנחנו מפצירים בכל האזרחים להגן על ישראל בקרבות אשר מתפרסמים כאן ולעזור לבעלי הברית. הצביעו ותצעקו עיתון זה באופן יום יומי על מנת להגדיל את החשיפה אליו.בנוסף לכך הרשמו לעיתון על מנת לקבל עדכונים

This is the official Ministry of Defense Newspaper used for announcements, messages and giving out orders from the ministry of Defense to all Israeli soldiers.

Hey all,

I hope you enjoyed the missions and made great prohpits from them, because the prizes were EPIC! Whoever missed out missed out on a lot, but I'm sure something similar will come again soon.
As you may have seen we held a Resistance War in Ha'il on the last day of the missions, because we wanted to help you citizens proceed with your missions and advance your True Patriot damage at the same time...
Well, the MoD and the rest of the Cabinet had a serious debate before the war started on wheter we should do it and if so where and when we should do it.
Our main directory lines were the bombs earned as prizes from the previous missions which were due to expire round about... now? , and of course enabling the eIsraeli citizens to win Battle Hero and True Patriot medals using those bombs and the mission rewards.

The huge dillemma was wheter we should have the RW in Ha'il or in Sinai, but since the Saudi Arabians are slightly easier to defeat than the Egyptians, and their pilitical peak is more welcoming of our conquest than the Egyptians', we decided to go for Ha'il.

We had to keep the RW discreet until the very last moment in order to prevent FOREIGN INDIVIDUAL MU'S FROM INTERFERING WITH OUR PLANS.

Anyway the war went well without any unexpected occasions, with many eIsraelis winning Battle Hero medals.
Even I did!

As for orders-

Right now we focus on helping our allies in Europe, mainly Romania, who is having a hard time holding back Bulgaria and Finland in Scandinavia and the Bulgarian RW's in the Balkans.


Have a GREAT few days and I'll post again when the time comes.


MoD Shoham Israel and the Ministry Team.