[MoD] Order Day 1857 [Updated][Closed]

Day 1,857, 00:35 Published in Japan Japan by ardishabutaro

All Japanese soldier must follow the orders

Update: 17.57

Fight for Chile in Central East Chaco
This is CoT First Priority, Fight for Chile. All commander, set your orders at Chile.
If bar > 52%, move to other first priority
Supply on #help.echile

Fight for Chile in Pampas
This is also CoT First Priority. If bar > 52%, move to other first priority.
Supply on #help.echile

Fight for Bulgaria in Burgas
CoT second priority. If First priority is completed, fight in Burgas.

Fight for Japan in Chubu
Japan Wars, complete your True Patriot Medal by fighting in there.

Snow fight!
Tips for you to complete this mission (tested on D4).
Save your food fight into full (mine is 1200, but i think 1000 health is enough).
Find a long time of battlefield
Fight the 88 enemy with your food fight
After 88 kills, Snowman will appear. This snowman is different than Plato/Lana/Headless Chicken. The HP is too big so you need a large amount of health (about 1000 health at average), that is why you need a long time battlefield. If you want to save your health (and candy bars), you can use bazooka
After kill Snowman, you can get 8 BH bomb (worth 12 million damage), 8 bazooka booster, and 8 candy bars.

Good Luck!

Your MoD,
