[MoD] Battle Orders Tutorial

Day 2,033, 13:19 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Dep. of Defence

Dear citizens,

I'll introduce you to the MoD Battle Orders & war strategy.

A war, what is it?

War is one very important aspect of eRepublik. It as an influence on everything!

A war can be declare by two ways:
-Voting a country with common borders as natural enemy
-Voting an airstrike after the country have received enough energy and money
-Simply declaring war and using golds

How ends a war?

-When two countries has no more common borders, the war ends

How works campaingns & battles?

Battles are fights we you are influencing the system. Each campaign results a lose, win or a maintain of a territory.

A campaing is divide in several battles. A battle has a simple working system: each side has a total number of damage thanks to what fighters did. The side with the most damage is earning domination points. The first side that get 1800 domination points win the battle and points for the campaing. If D1 win, they get 1pt for the campaign. D2=2pts, D3=3pts, D4=5pts. A country need 83pts to win the campaing.

So Domination points are earned while a country as more damage than the other one. This is show thanks to the bar with percentage. If a country as more than 50%, it means they are leading and earning points.

The time down the bar is the time since the battle started. Between 0-30 minutes, the country in the win earn 10 points every minutes. Between 31-60, 20 points. Between 61-90, 30 points. Between 91-120, 60 points.

You can conclude therefore that battles can easily change after 91 minutes, but a country in the lead since the start win in 1h30 and the battle cannot last more than 2h.

There are some awards given to best fighters of each divisions called Battle Hero medal (BH). The best fighter from all divisions receive the Campaign Hero medal (CH).

It is very important to save damage! If you country is leading by 69% in this battle and win the battle, they can next battle loose by 49.99%! In the total, your country would have won but imagine it was division 4, it is now 5-5 at the country scoreboard. The best moment for fighting is when your country is loosing or is below 55%. The % difference (55%-45%=10😵 is called the wall.

If you have to choose a battle to fight, choose one with a wall inferior to 55%.

Dealing damage: all about sparing

By acheiving the daily order of your unit, you earn one bazooka and one energy bar (give you instantly 100 health). Save them until the time you have choosen to do damage!

There's no surprise, but more health you heave, more damage you will do and more helpfull you will be!

If you can fight fight Q7 weapons, you will also do more damage.

As young player, your upgrade priority must be your Training Center! You gain more strength and you do so much more damage! Strength is the 1st damage influence!

You have also rockets, big and small bombs that are doing a huge number of damage. Save them for the battle you've choosen.

Training Center explanation by Thedillpickl

I might add about Training Grounds, the Weights Room (the free one) is of primary importance to everyone. It must be the first thing to get Weights Room to Q4 before anything else is done. This will help you gain strength but most importantly it will maximize gold income from training. Gold is the means to all other upgrades.

I advise against using this gold for anything but upgrades to food factory, buying the FRM company to supply that factory and upgrading the Climbing Center (the 0.19 one). Also, do not use the Climbing Center until it is Q4 or you waste gold. After it is Q4 use both every day for max gold and strength.

DO NOT use a Training Contract unless you have all four Training Grounds at Q4 and then only buy the 90% contract or you waste gold. DO NOT upgrade or use Shooting Range or Special Forces Center unless you have extra gold income. And finaly, ONLY upgrade during the special disount!

Two types of campaign:

-MPP campaigns are campaigns where you can fight from any country that have signed a mpp (alliance) with the country.
-RW campaigns (Resitance War) are campaigns where you need to move to THE COUNTRY ATTACKED. Exemple: Switzerland starts a resistance war with another country. If you want to fight for Switzerland, you will need to moove to the other country!

Getting supplies: here and on IRC

There's two way of getting supplies as swiss citizens. The first one is do the 25 kills in a battle and post a screenshot in the MoD article. I'll detail it after.

The second one is to conect on the IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channel of the country you are fighting for. These channels are generaly located on rizon servors. I'm personaly using http://client00.chat.mibbit.com/ to connect.
There, enter you nickname and the supply channel, put your citizen link and the energy free you have to fight in FF (1000 energy = 100ff). Sometimes, you will be ask of submitting a screenshot. I put these channels on the Battle Order article (see below)

The Swiss official military channel is #swiss.power, you are warmely welcomed, as #eSwitzerland, the official country chanel.

Battle orders article

Every 2 days, I write an article where allied campaigns are update very often. There, you can see 1-5 buttons. You can see different info on it and clicking will re-direct you to the battle page.

You will need the following things to get 10 q7 tanks:

1. Have Swiss citizenship
2. Defeat 25 enemies in one of the battles set as orders by MoD
3. Make screenshot from battle statistics with the day of eRepublik (like that http://prntscr.com/oq0c6 )
4. Comment article with orders with link to your screenshot (You can use for example http://imgur.com/)
5. Vote the article and wait for tanks

Every tanks are given in the 24h. I saw that sometimes when I clic on sending, they aren't really sent. If you haven't receive your tanks, ask me the quickest as you can and I will see -> http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/6363440

The buttons are red, but sometimes you can see different colors:
-Yellow for a top priority battle. It means that you should all fight in this one.
-Grey for a campaign where you shouldn't fight.
-Green for campaigns against a country that occupy us.

If you have any remarks, comments or ortography mistakes, please pm me!

Thank you for voting and sharing my article to Swiss citizens.

Swiss MoD