[MoCH] Introduction and Event!

Day 1,997, 06:33 Published in Japan Japan by ardishabutaro

Greetings all people in eJapan, it is my Ardishabutaro. This month i took this position, because one of my candidate is in exam mode

(Good luck for Aryzn and Shirobu for your exams. And the other people i don't know, good luck too for yours)

Ok. Lets back to topic, in this article i want to introduce you with this ministry. Ya, Ministry of Cultural and History is only exist in eJapan. We are the oldest ministry in this country, beside Defense, or Foreign Affair ministry.
Our job is to create event for eJapan people, mostly is game (with prize for winner). Our main tradition is Empress Day at 15 every month.
I hope i can release article (and games) twice a week; but you know i have a RL too, so don't expect too much for me XD

Well, at least, my promise is to make article for:
- Empress Nomination (11 May)
- Empress Vote (13 May)
- Empress Winner Announcement (15 May)
The rest is bonus for you and me XD

Today Event: Picture Guessing
You need to guess what character in that (10) picture
First Winner will get 50 Q7 Tanks
Second Winner will get 20 Q7 Tanks
Third Winner will get 10 Q7 Tanks (3 people)

Picture 1:

Picture 2:

Picture 3:

Picture 4:

Picture 5:

Picture 6:

Picture 7:

Picture 8:

Picture 9:

Picture 10:

Event end at next article (appox. 11 May)
send me PM of your answer 😃
i.e: Picture 1: Edward Elric, Picture 2: Haruhi Suzumiya, etc

Your MoCH,
