[MoCH] Golden Week: Greenery Day

Day 2,016, 06:01 Published in Japan Japan by ardishabutaro

The Golden Week (ゴールデンウィーク Gōruden Wīku) is a collection of four national holidays within seven days. In combination with well placed weekends, the Golden Week becomes one of Japan's three busiest holiday seasons, besides New Year and the Obon week. (Japan-guide)

Today event is "Greenery Day", event for us to respect our nature. For today, we create event related to OWL, our national bird.

By the way, if you haven't participate for Emperor Day event, you can click here to participate. Or you can click our Emperor picture to run the trivia quiz

To run Greenery Day quiz, you can click here.
Hint: Nothing XD

And, since this is competition, i give the scoreboard in here. It is updated as soon as i online. Have fun, all! ^.^
Remember, the prize are:
1st: 20 Gold (Updated with donation)
2n😛 5 Gold
3r😛 2 Gold
4-5th: 1 Gold
Participant: 0.1 Gold
(Thanks for Spider1986 for 10 Gold donation)

Vote, Shout, Comment, Participate!
