[MoCH] Golden Week: Emperor Day

Day 2,015, 07:26 Published in Japan Japan by ardishabutaro

The Golden Week (ゴールデンウィーク Gōruden Wīku) is a collection of four national holidays within seven days. In combination with well placed weekends, the Golden Week becomes one of Japan's three busiest holiday seasons, besides New Year and the Obon week. (Japan-guide)

So, MoCH take this end of May, as Golden Week, and created event based on the real live event. We divide it to 3 mini event: Emperor Day, Greenery Day, and Children Day.

Rules, procedure and price
1. Participant are citizens of eJapan
2. Each event have cumulative point collected to win grand prize
3. Grand Prize (all prize is in "gold"):
- 1st: 10 Gold
- 2n😛 5 Gold
- 3r😛 2 Gold
- 4-5th: 1 Gold
Participant: 0.1 Gold
4. Winner will be announced at the end of this month (31 May)
5. Jury decision cannot debatable

List of Jury
1. Ardishabutaro (Minister of Culture and History)
2. DankChronic (Minister of Education)
3. Shirobu (Director of Senpai/Kohai)

Event #1: Emperor Day

We celebrate our first and only one Emperor, with this event. For that, we make a trivia quiz about our Emperor in here. Each question have 1 point to cumulative for grand prize!
Hint x1: Emperor avatar:

Hint x2: http://wiki.erepublik.com

Vote, Shout, Comment!
