[MoCH] Community Day #4: Food for your life

Day 2,042, 06:40 Published in Japan Japan by ardishabutaro

Since eJapan don't have holiday event for June, We (MoCH team) created this event, called "Community Day". For this event, we celebrate all things that make you love Japan RL, and (maybe) bring you born as (or became) eJapanese.
For this event, we will divide all the love to Japan with 4 main point: Japan Cultural Event, Japan Anime, Japan Girls, and Japan Food.

Before starting this final event, let me inform you who are the last event Winner, and the current top scorer:
Who are your Girls Winner
1st: Cuihao
2n😛 Arari Kara
3r😛 ahava3233
4th: Turt037
5th: ll Lettu ll
(All Prize sent)

Top Scorer
1. Cuihao (19 Point)
2. Arari Kara (18 Point)
3. Turt037 (10 Point)
4. ahava3233 (13 Point)
5. DreadfulSilence999 (8 Point)
Click this LINK (eJapan forum) for more detail

Ok, lets start the final event:

Event #4: Food for your life

Welcome to the "Community Day" Last event: Food event. Japan have known as the best cuisine among all the world. For your information, from all 3 star michelin restaurant in the world, half of them are located in Japan.
Today, our event is still image guessing. I am still give you B/W (sorry) picture, for you to guess what is the name of the food in the picture. I try to give you the easiest one, but it is depend on you to find out that name 😉
To begin the event, you can click the picture below, or click HERE.
Hint: No hint today 🙂

1st: 50 Q7 Tanks
2n😛 20 Q7 Tanks
3r😛 10 Q7 Tanks
4-5th: 5 Q7 Tanks
"Food for your life" event end at June 25th, same as the Community Day Grand Prize announcement. Good Luck

Vote, Shout, Comment, Participate!
