[MoCH] Community Day #1: Cultural Live

Day 2,036, 07:00 Published in Japan Japan by ardishabutaro

Since eJapan don't have holiday event for June, We (MoCH team) created this event, called "Community Day". For this event, we celebrate all things that make you love Japan RL, and (maybe) bring you born as (or became) eJapanese.
For this event, we will divide all the love to Japan with 4 main point: Japan Cultural Event, Japan Anime, Japan Girls, and Japan Food.

Rules, procedure and price
1. Since our goal is to spread as much cultural love from Japan to worldwide, all participant can come from all eRepublik player.
2. Each event have cumulative point collected to win grand prize. But, each event have the prize itself.
3. "Community Day" Grand Prize
- 1st: ¥ 2,500
- 2n😛 ¥ 1,000
- 3r😛 ¥ 500
- 4-5th: ¥ 250
4. MoCH decision for answer and winner cannot debatable

Event #1: Cultural Live

Ok. Japan have so many event from January to December. It attract so many tourist to Japan every years, because its unique and have long history.
For this event, we will ask you to guess, from which event are the picture belong. To begin the event, you can click the picture below, or click HERE.
Hint: All event are listed here

1st: 50 Q7 Tanks
2n😛 20 Q7 Tanks
3r😛 10 Q7 Tanks
4-5th: 5 Q7 Tanks
Each question have 1 point cumulative for Grand Prize.
"Cultural Live" event end at June 19th

Vote, Shout, Comment, Participate!
