[MoC] The Media in eIreland

Day 1,480, 14:10 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish Community

Today there are only 3 articles in the Irish media, not even enough to fill up the list on my homepage, and I find this sad. Why are we not writing more? The media is the simplest way to get your message across to the world. Shouts travel as far as your friends, articles have no such boundaries.

This is an international problem, and people are fighting back. I think it's time we joined in. Sound off in the comments, what is wrong with the media in your eyes, whats turning you off it, why aren't you writing.

And if you feel like writing after this, go and do it! Especially the younger players! Thanks to a generous donation to the Community by Linus Ben I will send food to any young (born after August) player who writes an article in the next 3 days, so get to it!

Healthy Mediterranean food for the kids

If anyone wants to suggest a topic for our own writing contest then please do so, we can have a vote on the best idea and get a contest sorted.

Minister of the Community