[LETO] New HQ and LMA

Day 2,428, 11:56 Published in Israel Israel by Israel Ministry of Defense

Hello dear LETO citizens!

As you know there were some major issues about the SG elections, however they were finally solved.

In this article we will be able to take a look at the new HQ and this month's LMA

This term's HQ will be the following:

Secretary General (SG)
Deputy Secretary General (dSG)

Supreme Commander (SC)
Assistant Supreme Commander (aSC)
Juhannus Petrus
Deputy Supreme Commander (dSC)
Deputy Supreme Commander (dSC)
New Faustian Man

Secretary of Foreign Affairs (SoFA)
Deputy Secretary of Foreign Affairs (dSoFA)
leal9001 (Yoradorc)

~~ LMA ~~

We have some amazing news today! 🙂
The LMA will start running again, using the same logistics we used on April.

The LETO Mobile Army works as a “virtual MU” (People won’t need to leave their current MUs)
for LETO D3 and D4 tanks. The goal of the Army is to bring big amounts of damage in key battles of LETO countries.

The Army will be led by the General (SC) D.A.G, he has the full power and will be the highest authority. Below the General, the Colonel (SG), NueveOcho is the main character of the Army. The Mayors (dSC), WolverineBY and New Faustian Man, will take care of the division coordination (one each) aided by the captains (Will be chosen by HQ+CPs) to make sure that every member will know where and when we fight. All the fighters will be supplied with Q7 tanks in our fights.

As I mentioned above, the Army will be “virtual”, so no one will have to leave their current MU to join the Army.

The requirements are simple: Have a 40k Q7 hit in D3 and a 60k Q7 hit in D4, be active and willing to use IRC to coordinate.

If you want to join fill this form.
We will use a new form, so the players that applied in other term will need to apply again.


Day 2432 14:00 ERT

Prio 1: Chimor - PER - RW - http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/53946
Prio 2: New Brunswick - CAN - MPP - http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/53947

Signe😛 NueveOcho, LETO SG