[Journey of the Czech man] So le journey begins...

Day 2,084, 15:07 Published in France Czech Republic by Bootcha
Salut fellas and ladies (if there are any),

I'm a new eFrench citizen. Firstly I want to thank to Nanar who helped me to get my citizenship. I know how frustrating is for foreign players to get citizenship but Nanar was very helpful and acts correctly.

Let me introduce myself. My names is MrFahrenheit formerly known as Jakub Bucek. Because 'bucek' sounds in czech the same as the word for 'brisket' I get a pig as patron. I come (in real life and in game) from Czech republic. I have been multiple time Czech and Slovak congressman and once Czechoslovak president. Last month I was Minister of Population (a mix of Minister of Education, Information and Internal Affairs) of Czech republic. After this month I got tired of the routine and I have decided to take a little trip around the world.

My personal aim in eFrance is to present Czech republic and get some new friends. Because eCzech Republic faces the same problems as the one in real world - we don't have close friends who will cover our asses.

Czech republic is located in Central Europe. We proudly say that we are heart of Europe. There were even suggestions that headquarter of European Union should move to Prague - our capital city - because its location. In the world of eRepublik we have three regions: Northern Bohemia, Southern Bohemia and Moravia. In present days Czech republic only holds Moravia. Northern and Southern Bohemia are occupied by Poland because, as they said, securiting the second route to occupied regions in Western Europe.

In real life Czech republic stands between local powers - Germany, Austria/Hungary and Russia and always lives in constant fear. Similar situation is in eRepublik. eCzech republic is borders ePoland and eHungary. Because of the constant fear we build strong sense of humor.

Czech republic in eWorld is small country. With only about 300 citizens it's the 6th smallest country. Not many Czechs are interested in this game since lack of nationalism in Czech population. Since eCzech republic was one of the first countries in game, it had began haven for many nations. Althought we are constantly objective of PTO groups we are doing well lately.

What are the Czechs?
Back in 2009 Czech republic was Presidency of the European Union (after France) and our artist David Cerny installed in Brussels his scuplture Entropa. As wiki says: 'Entropa is an ironic jab at the issue of European integration and the stereotypes associated with each country within the European Union.' And the French piece is silhouette of France draped in a "GRÈVE!" ("STRIKE!") banner.

As response Slovak cartoonist made this caricature of typical Czech.

I think this is the best and funniest picture of Czech on internet. We like to wear socks in sandals.

We are heavy beer drinkers (144 liters per person per year, the 2nd one is Germany with 107 liters - hahaha losers). Typical beer cost around 1-1,5 euro so paradoxically it's cheaper than packed water.

Czech men wear t-shirts with big stomach (because the beer drinking) but Czech women are super hot (beer drinking also makes big boobies). I can name Petra Nemcova, Tatana Kucharova or Eva Herzigova.

Czech market is flooded with cheap food and Czechs love to buy cheap things that's why he is holding the LIDL style bag on the picture.

We are very self confidence that's why he is wearing the EXPERT t-shirt. Also 'the bug' on the picture is a literary character from czech children's books. He is 'everything know' boaster, but in practical issues initially fails.

What are the eCzechs?
As I mentioned before we have suffered from attentions of PTO groups. They tried to steal our national wealth and get cheap medals. Some of them succeed, some failed. That's why eCzechs are very suspicious about foreigners and you have to earn their trust. Many of them are not willing to speak English so it's hard to fit in (I have noticed that French have the same problem - no English article in so big country?). But if they will accept you, you can reach the presidential chair.

Also thanks to our long-term Minister of Finance we are quite rich country and we provide extensive social system. You can get 30 q7 tanks from state every week.

At the end of this article let look on some nice picture of Czech republic: