[IU] Secretary General Request for PP Campaign Articles (Day 1848)

Day 1,848, 07:04 Published in India Canada by Addy Lawrence


December 15th is fast approaching and so with it does the hopes of Party President Candidates across eRepublik. What I like about PP is that you don't win a medal for winning PP, you don't get 5g either, you just get the responsibility to lead the party. If you are running, you are in it to gain the responsibility of managing a party in-game, whether for good or for evil.

Good luck to all candidates for Party President of India United.

On topical issues within India United at the moment...

eIndia is an exciting place with a variety of political issues in play. All candidates for Party President of India United should address the hot button issues that are being discussed in our party thread. Since the thread is limited to 30 participants and some of you may not be privy to the dialogue, I will share the headlines here.

The top issues are:
-accountability of partner countries for region rent
-transparency and accountability of stewards of the Central Bank of India
-how the party selects its CP nominee
-trade embargos with enemy nations
-taxation of income and products

On the citizens who have placed their in-game candidacy...

India United acknowledges the candidacy for Party President of the following citizens, in alphabetical order:

Chengis Khan
Dinesh Raju
Rahul k
ShockWavve (incumbant)

As the Secretary General of India United, I invite each candidate to submit an article for their PP campaign. I will post a link to all articles in this article as they are released. I will also release an article on the 14th summarizing the submissions.


Good luck to all candidates and kindly submit your article by Dec 13 so that it gets adequate representation in my article on Dec 14th.

Who's your daddy?

Addy's your daddy!!!